Well, last Saturday was the Zoowalk. We raised over $1,300 for Autism Research Institute and ASA - Greater Phoenix Chapter. I'm quite happy with the turn out and we aren't done. On
November 6th, Mortenson (the company my DH works for) is having a Health/Wellness Day at the office. They are actually having babysitting in the evening so the parents can go to the "insurance" meeting. During that event, their Stewardship committee is going to have a silent auction for the iPod I was raffling. See Mr. Aguero passed it back to challenge all Mortenson employees to boost the proceeds. What a guy! So we still aren't done with raising money for Autism Research.
On another note, this past weekend, Andy's daughter was in an ATV accident and is still in ICU. Please pray for Andy Aquero's daughter and their family.
Then, this past Monday was Lovey's birthday! 17 OMG! Here's his happy birthday song. Of course all you can hear is my horrible screechy voice because if I quit singing, everyone would quit singing. lol Enjoy!
Let's see. . . today is Wednesday, I'm sure I won't post until next week. My DH and I have decided to leave the kids at Nana's and we are headed to San Diego. We are going to a DAN! Conference. Defeat Autism Now! Autism Research holds these conferences so that doctors (DAN! Doctors) can get together and share information. Since Autism is a label for kids who have

certain symptoms caused by certain illnesses; there are no medical doctors who get it. Unless a M.D. has been personally affected by Autism, they just really don't know. They think it is strictly a neurological, learning disability, not an injury.
So we are going to the conference Friday thru Monday. Until then, I have to make bread, pancakes, chicken and put together a care package to go to Nana's. Wheat Free, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Egg Free, Soy Free, no preservatives, no artificial colors or flavors.
I took Mister to his new pediatricians appointment this past Monday also. I just loved this. Dr. Kirit Patel is an Internal Medicine and Pediatric doctor. He's been my doctor for over 2 years. He's a great guy, likes me (which is hard to come by), and has small children himself. In I walk. . .he didn't know what hit him. I was armed with an agenda, information about studies conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics, and a list of treatments I wanted him to help me get covered! I think he probably hit the bar after our visit. Along with the nurses who first said "autism, really. He doesn't look autistic." I said "what does autism look like?" Within about 10 minutes, they figured it out while they were chasing him down the hall before he ran into the next patient room. I found it quite comical. He gave them a run for their money. I'm sure the nurses were pounding the brewski's right along with doc Patel.
1.5 hours later, he understood that my kids
WON'T be vaccinated since vaccinations do still contain Thermisal (after of course I made him get his book of ingredients). He was actually quite shocked since he was told
NO MORE THERMISAL. Just goes to show that doctors, even the good ones really don't know what they are giving their kids. He gave me a referral on the spot for a neurologist who can provide me with a script for HBOT.
http://www.hhi-kc.com/whatis.htm Ok, that one took him to his computer for a few minutes.
Something that has been bothering me. Eating at me actually! Gnawing and gnawing! There are sooo many pieces to this puzzle. And I keep hearing people say, "well, I don't have autism" or "why would gluten free/casein free, no preservatives work for me?" Ok, here it is. . . READY?
The food industry processes the hell out of food to the point where it has no decent nutritional value, which may I add would taste like crap if they didn't add back in all the artificial colors and flavors. Has anyone read about Monosodium Glutamate, how about TBHQ (
http://www.fedupwithfoodadditives.info/factsheets/Factantioxidants.htm)? Once you do, say goodbye to chicken nuggets or any fast food for that matter. So the food industry makes all these easy to prepare, fast dinners, lunches, breakfasts, in pretty boxes and microwave save containers. After a few years of eating this crap, you think its just age causing your fibromyalgia and you go to the doctor. Guess what? If you'd just quit eating all the preservatives and fake stuff, you wouldn't have fibromyalgia or NEED A DOCTOR. So you go to the doctor, he gives you a presciption to cover your boo boo. In five years, you have high blood pressure, maybe cholesterol, diabetes, gets worse. . . heart disease, artery issues. Now you are on 5 more prescriptions to cover all the side effects from your previous meds.
So you all have seen that nicely dressed guy at your doctors office, you know, the one with the briefcase. Well he's waiting for your doc to negotiate how much doc gets paid from each prescription he writes for his company. It's a no wonder doc likes GlaxoSmithKline.
Ok, gets worse! Pediatricians get paid by insurance companies based on the percentage of their practice that is vaccinated with aluminum and mercury based products. NICE HUH? That would explain why the doctors say "but you HAVE to vaccinate your child". It is money in their pockets.
The American Academy of Pediatrics did a study in 1989 that determined that the mercury levels in vaccinations was too high, caused cases of autism (along with other issues) and they shouldn't be there. 1989! What year is this? And how many kids are sick? Just in case you don't know 1 in 150 children, 1 in 94 boys! Oh and the live Rubella virus that they give to the kids at 12 mos. old along with 3 other live viruses, that virus has been linked to cases of autism too. Ahyi yi! So the AAP knows of the link but has chosen to do nothing about it. I wonder if they'd like to spend a weekend in my house! Maybe financially care for just one kid on the spectrum.
There is a vicous circle of greed at our expense. Be smarter than that. Don't think that they wouldn't feed us something that would make us sick! YES THEY WOULD AND THEY DO!
Here's some food for thought and hopefully mine will make you healthy. We are all on the spectrum as long as we continue to eat the crap they produce. Don't think you are immuned to it just because you haven't been diagnosed with a spectrum disorder.
Love to all!
Dios esté con usted,
P.S. I worry horribly about my family! My entire family. Lots of heart issues, artery issues, diabetes, neurological issues. Autoimmune dysfunction. Lots of it. Colon issues! OMG, my father died of colon cancer. My mother has severe crohns disease. Cycle stops here! Babies who are born to families like ours are the ones paying. Don't give your child Tylenol before they go for their vaccinations, if you do chose to vaccinate. Tylenol lowers glutathiamine levels, then they blast them with live viruses that are known to cause autism. RESEARCH BEFORE VACCINES!