I haven't been close with Jerry but keep up to date on his treatment. What I've felt and learned from his wife (that I don't even know) is that one should really have faith to get you thru everything. I am just blown away by their faith in the Lord. Here is a small part that I copied from an update, maybe it will touch you as it has me.
He Giveth More Grace
He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater
He sendeth more strength when the labors increase
To added affliction He addeth His mercy
To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace
His love has no limit, His grace has no measure
His power has no boundary know unto man
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
He giveth and giveth and giveth again
Please pray for Jerry and his family!
Jerry has 4 children. Elizabeth is his oldest with his first wife and she is 12 years old, and not in this picture.
I'm sorry about your cousin. All I can say is, I'll pray.
I have chronic back pain and people sometimes treat me delicately, but I don't let them. What I have is an annoyance, but not life threatening.
It's folks like your cousin and his family that are standing firm in their faith that are heroes.
Connie, you are right! My mistake.
Jam, they are heroes. It is so powerful to hear how they are coping! Thanks for posting.
Thank you Connie! I was just going to point that out too. Being from a blended family myself, I realize how super important it is that we remember Elizabeth in all this too.
Jerry is just as much her daddy as the other three.
Mare, I didn't mean anything by that. I just totally forgot. My bad! She's very important. Speaking of which. . .where is she in all this? (I've never met any of Jerry's kid or Heather)
Yikes Gin, didn't mean to sound upset with you. I'm not...I promise!!! I am however perturbed about Heather completely ignoring that sweet Elizabeth on the CarePages website. Heather has yet to mention Elizabeth at all. And in fact, Elizabeth left a message for her daddy at the very beginning of his messages, saying Get well soon Daddy.
I think it's awful sad. Mollie and Elizabeth have hung out together at the last two family reunions and she spent the night with Mollie at Aunt Jo's house. I e-mailed GAM the other day for an e-mail for Elizabeth.
If her step-mom won't acknowledge her, I certainly will.
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