This is my Mister. He's loud, he's silly, he loves to dance and sing. Get this, when he sings, he sings word for word and clearly. Only when he sings. ;o)
This is my Jeff. He's a 16 year old Rock Star (he thinks). He's been playing guitar for about 3 years and is self taught. He doesn't read music but can learn any material if he has an extra hour. He's so on the spectrum. Hates school but loves his music. This is his girlfriend Chelsea (CJ) when they went to prom a few weeks ago.
What the heck? (Who'd a thought I'd have all these blessings)
That's a great looking batch of younguns.
I play guitar (badly) and know how much practice and dedication it takes.
Tell Jeff that 99.9% of the world's greatest musician's STILL have to have a day job even though music is their first love. School comes in mighty handy when trying to get a decent day job to support one's music addiction.
You have no idea how much I want him to hear me when I tell him that. ;o) That is part of his ADHD. He's so darned focused on the music that he doesn't have the ability to want to do anything else. We are working on that. Hopefully we will start to get thru soon.
What the heck? How do you have time for this? Aren't you bissy enough?
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