Friday, May 30, 2008

The Joys of Potty Training. . .

Anyone want to come over and potty train my kids?

Mister did pee pee potty 2 times today. I put him in big boy pants thinking I was going to be home for 4 days, What the Heck, lets give it a try. WRONG! He pee'd his pants 2 times in less than a half hour. LOL I should listen to my "know better" voice. DUH! We are just going to stick to the morning pee pee pottys and go from there.

Missy is thinking about it. She's gone pee pee and poo poo on the potty, LOTS OF TIMES! But still no real interest. Right now all she really cares about is eating Zurg's cape.


Rockstar Mom said...

Hey Gin,

Check out this other blog:

She is in Texas and she is leaving a job as a special ed teacher to help open up a specialty school for kids with Autism. She also regulates what immunizations her baby receives.

I think you guys share a very common interest.

Rockstar Mom said...

Holy crap. I found another one.

This girl I've actually known since December, but I just recently found out she's got a blog. So here it is:

Three of her five are on the autism spectrum and she is finding significate benefits to controlling their diets.

Rockstar Mom said...

significant....that was not an ignorant spelling error, but rather an ignorant typo.

Gina said...

Thanks Mare.

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