So much has happened since I started (and ultimately ignored) this blog. Jeff is now 22, learning everyday how to cope with social anxiety and the executive function of organizing LIFE. :( Baby steps when you start to recover older children. (He was already 17 when we started biomed.)
Max is doing well. He's very mechanical. Likes to build things but not with his hands, but with his brain. Anything he can internalize. Minecraft IS THE BOMB! Reads ridiculously well and makes me laugh everyday.
Marissa is now 7 and ALL GIRL! Fashion, arts of all kinds, drawing, jewelry, paint, clay, you name it. She's catching some autism residual as the youngest sibling. So we are working thru some esteem issues. BUT she's ALL THAT! :)
NOW, Mama has taken on using essential oils and helping others navigate a natural means to wellness. Launched my business in July 2013 and things are changing by leaps and bounds.
Awww...I love looking at your pictures! What a happy life you have! :)
They must have a blast riding in that Jeep. I have to show this to Bob he would love that!
Nik: We have alot of humor in our lives which keeps us sane during the "OMG, I swear I'm going to sell those kids" moments. Maybe I'll blog! ;o)
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