So instead of Trick-or-Treating, we went to Uncle Ron and Aunt Dara's block party. They had a bouncy thing for the kids and hung out with some neighbors. We went to a few houses but just to get it out of their systems.
Halloween this year had a small twist. My DH and I were on a mission to obtain the least amount of candy as humanly possible. We prompted the kids a few days in advance that the Halloween Fairy would be coming to pick up their candy to give it to other children who don't get any and leave them a gift in return. Of course we needed a good reason to get them both bikes, so it was perfect. Daddy was on a mission to find a Lightning McQueen and Dora the Explorer bikes. YEAH for Daddy! He did GREAT!

Mister is doing fantastic on the bike and really needs no assistance besides getting it out of the garage. Missa on the other hand, she only wants to peddle backwards. See Daddy off in the distance? He's trying to explain to her the importance of peddling forwards.
So we got thru Halloween, we walked the event on Sunday and now we are in "PREPARE" mode for our first Dunes trip of the season. We haven't been camping since March. OMG, you'd think gas prices were too high or all our friends bailed on us or something. ;o) (Love to the Lee's!)
This is what our garage has looked like lately.

I'm not looking forward to the drive to CA for 4 hours in the truck with two fighting kids, but I am looking forward to a few rides with the fam.
Dios esté con usted,
So cute! That was a good way to derail them from the candy! :)
OMG I wish I had thought of that a few years ago...leave the candy for the Halloween Fairy and get a big gift in return.
It beats scarfing it down myself.
I can't take credit for that one. Another mom had posted about it and I thought it was a great idea.
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