Wednesday, December 3, 2008

WHAT? No more Lipstick Jungle? What will I do with no Kirby?

Ok, I have plenty of important things to blog about. 1. We have a household visitor who has appeared. 2. Autism Research Institute and common vocabulary words; and now this. OMG!

I was having a just average "office" conversation with Susan when she says something about Lipstick Jungle being cancelled. I turn and give her the "omg jaw drop" look. "NAH AH!" "Yes" she says. I'm still in denial so I googled.

Ok, there is a petition that can be signed. Even if you don't watch this show, will you please sign the petition for ME! ;o) I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SHOW! I don't care what day it is on or even what time. I have DVR that takes care of all those details. I just hit the "List" button and see what's next for me to peruse!

Click this link and sign the petition ~ PLEASE! I promise I will blog later about Nos. 1 and 2 above. ;o)

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Larry King Live with Jenny McCarthy

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