Thursday, November 5, 2009

7 Foods That Should Never Cross Your Lips

I can't post links on Facebook from work. Can someone please repost this link? Oh so true! Good info. Thanks Mike for sharing.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Bear, A Lion and A Pig

A bear, a lion and a pig meet.

Bear says: "if I roar in the forest, the entire forest is shivering with fear."

Lion says: "if I roar in the jungle, the entire jungle is afraid of me."

Pig says: "big deal.... I only have to cough, and the entire planet shits itself."

Monday, November 2, 2009

CDC doing us a favor??? What do you think?

They are doing us a favor right? By releasing their "in reserve" stockpile of Tamiflu. Just in case you guys didn't get the news . . .the CDC isn't sure there will be enough vaccine for everyone so you better run right on out and get yours today. NOT!

What media hype! Fantastic marketing for sure!

CDC: 114 kids have died from swine flu

Monday, September 28, 2009

Request for Controls (Poop Sample) for A Study to Determine the Intestinal Bacteria and Yeasts Present in Autism

ASU Research is conducting "A Study to Determine the Intestinal Bacteria and Yeasts Present in Autism". They are in need of healthy stool samples. Willing to pay $99 for each stool sample.

Here's the eligibility criteria:
1) Age 2 ½ to 17 years
2) No usage of any type of antibiotic or antifungal medications within the last month.
3) In good mental and physical health: no stomach/gut problems such as chronic diarrhea, constipation, gas, heartburn, bloating, etc, no Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD/ADHD, etc.).
4) Unrelated to an individual with autism (not a brother, sister, parent, aunt, or uncle)

Let me know if you have any children who could help out. This is a great opportunity to help modern medicine understand a little more about GUT BACTERIA. We should all know a little more about that. Important stuff!

Dios esté con usted,

Contact info:
James B. Adams
School of Mechanical, Aerospace, Chemical, and Materials Engineering
Arizona State University
PO Box 876106
Tempe, AZ 85287-6106
(480) 965-3316
(480) 727-9321 (fax)

OK, because I can't help myself and I LOVE THIS GUY!

Keep in mind, this was written PRIOR to the Vaccine schedule changing in 1989.

The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them
I know, as I write about the dangers of mass immunisation, that it is a concept that you may find difficult to accept. Immunizations have been so artfully and aggressively marketed that most parents believe them to be the "miracle" that has eliminated many once-feared diseases. Consequently, for anyone to oppose them borders on the foolhardy. For a paediatrician to attack what has become the "bread and butter" of paediatric practice is equivalent to a priest's denying the infallibility of the pope.

Knowing that, I can only hope that you will keep an open mind while I present my case. Much of what you have been led to believe about immunizations simply isn't true. I not only have grave misgivings about them; if I were to follow my deep convictions in writing this chapter, I would urge you to reject all inoculations for your child. I won't do that, because parents in about half the states have lost the right to make that choice. Doctors, not politicians, have successfully lobbied for laws that force parents to immunize their children as a prerequisite for admission to school.
Even in those states, though, you may be able to persuade your paediatrician to eliminate the pertussis (whooping cough) component from the DPT vaccine. This immunization, which appears to be the most threatening of them all, is the subject of so much controversy that many doctors are becoming nervous about giving it, fearing malpractice suits. They should be nervous, because in a recent Chicago case a child damaged by a pertussis inoculation received a $5.5 million settlement award. If your doctor is in that state of mind, exploit his fear, be-cause your child's health is at stake.

Although I administered them my-self during my early years of practice, I have become a steadfast opponent of mass inoculation because of the myriad hazards they present. The subject is so vast and complex that it deserves a book of its own. Consequently, I must be content here with summarizing my objections to the fanatic zeal with which pediatricians blindly shoot foreign proteins into the body of your child without knowing what eventual damage they may cause.
Here is the core of my concern:

I. There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease. While it is true that some once common childhood diseases have diminished or disappeared since inoculations were introduced, no one really knows why, although improved living conditions may be the reason. If immunizations were responsible for the diminishing or disappearance of these diseases in the United States, one must ask why they disappeared simultaneously in Europe, where mass immunizations did not take place.

2. It is commonly believed that the Salk vaccine was responsible for halting the polio epidemics that plagued American children in the 19405 and 1950s. If so, why did the epidemics also end in Europe, where polio vaccine was not so extensively used? Of greater current relevance, why is the Sabin virus vaccine still being administered to children when Dr. Jonas Salk, who pioneered the first vaccine, points out that Sabin vaccine is now causing most of the polio cases that appear. Continuing to force this vaccine on children is irrational medical behaviour that simply confirms my contention that doctors consistently repeat their mistakes. With the polio vaccine we are witnessing a rerun of the medical reluctance to abandon the smallpox vaccination, which remained as the only source of smallpox-related deaths for three decades after the disease had disappeared.
Think of it! For thirty years kids died from smallpox vaccinations even though no longer threatened by the disease.

3. There are significant risks associated with every immunization and numerous contraindications that may make it dangerous for the Shots to be given to your child. Yet doctors administer them routinely, usually without warning parents of the hazards and without determining whether the immunization is contraindicated for the child. No child should be immunized without making that determination, yet small armies of children are routinely lined up in clinics to receive a shot in the arm with no questions asked by their parents!

4 While the myriad short-term hazards of most immunizations are known (but rarely explained), no one knows the long term consequences of injecting foreign proteins into the body of your child. Even more shocking is the fact that no one is making any structured effort to find out.

5. There is growing suspicion that immunization against relatively harm-less childhood diseases may be responsible for the dramatic increase in auto-immune diseases since mass inoculations were introduced. These are fearful diseases such as cancer, leukemia. rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease, lupus erythematosus, and the Guillain-Barre syndrome. An autoimmune disease can be explained simply as one in which the body's defense mechanisms cannot distinguish between foreign invaders and ordinary body tissues, with the consequence that the body begins to destroy itself. Have we traded mumps and measles for cancer and leukemia?

I have emphasized these concerns because it is probable that your paediatrician will not advise you about them. At the 1982 Forum of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), a resolution was proposed that would have helped insure that parents would be informed about the risks and benefits of immunizations. The resolution urged that the "ALA? make available in clear, concise language information which a reasonable parent would want to know about the benefits and risks of routine immunizations, the risks of vaccine preventable diseases and the management of common adverse reactions to immunizations." Apparently the doctors assembled did not believe that "reasonable parents" were entitled to this kind of in-formation because they rejected the resolution!

The bitter controversy over immunizations that is now raging within the medical profession has not escaped the attention of the media. Increasing numbers of parents are rejecting immunizations for their children and facing the legal consequences of doing so. Parents whose children have been permanently damaged by vaccines are no longer accepting this as fate but are filing malpractice suits against the manufacturers and the doctors who administered the vaccine. Some manufacturers have actually stopped making vaccines, and the lists of contraindications to their use are being expanded by the remaining manufacturers, year by year. Meanwhile, because routine immunizations that bring patients back for repeated office calls, are the bread and butter of their specialty, paediatricians continue to defend them to the death.
The question parents should be asking is: Whose death?

As a parent, only you can decide whether to reject immunizations or risk accepting them for your child. Let me urge you, though-before your child is immunized-to arm yourself with the facts about the potential risks and benefits and demand that your paediatrician defend the immunizations that he recommends. If you decide that you don't want to have your child immunized, but your state laws say you must, write to me, and I may be able to offer suggestions on how you can regain your freedom of choice.

Mumps is a relatively innocuous viral disease, usually experienced in childhood, which causes swelling of one or both salivary glands (parotids), located just below and in front of the ears. Typical symptoms are a temperature of 100-l04 degrees, appetite loss, headache, and back pain. The gland swelling usually begins to diminish after two or three days and is gone by the sixth or seventh day. However, one gland may become affected first, and the second as much as 10-l2 days later. The infection of either side confers life-time immunity.

Mumps does not require medical treatment. If your child contracts the disease, encourage him to stay in bed for two or three days, feed him a soft diet and a lot of fluids, and use ice packs to reduce the swelling. If his headache is severe, administer modest quantities of whiskey or acetaminophen. Give ten drops of whiskey to a small baby and up to one-half teaspoon to a larger one. The dose can be repeated in one hour and again in another hour, if needed.
Most children are immunized against mumps along with measles and rubella in the MMR shot that is administered at about fifteen months of age. Paediatricians defend this immunization with the argument that, although mumps is not a serious disease in children, if they do not gain immunity as children they may contract mumps as adults. In that event there is a possibility that adult males may contract orchitis, a condition in which the disease affects the testicles. In rare instances this can produce sterility.

If total sterility as a consequence of orchitis were a significant threat, and if the mumps immunizations assured adult males that they would not contract it, I would be among those doctors who urge immunization. I'm not, because their argument makes no sense. Orchitis rarely causes sterility, and when it does, because only one testicle is usually affected, the sperm production capacity of the unaffected testicle could repopulate the world! And that's not all. No one knows whether the mumps vaccination confers an immunity that lasts into the adult years. Consequently, there is an open question whether, when your child is immunized against mumps at fifteen months arid escapes this disease in childhood, he may suffer more serious consequences when he contracts it as an adult.

You won't find paediatricians advertising them, but the side effects of the mumps vaccine can be severe. In some children it causes allergic reactions such as rash, itching, and bruising. It may also expose them to the effects of central nervous system involvement, including febrile seizures, unilateral nerve deafness, and encephalitis. These risks are minimal, true, but why should your child endure them at all to avoid an innocuous diseaze in childhood at the risk of contracting a more serious one as an adult?

Measles, also called rubeola or 'English measles," is a contagious viral disease that can 'be contracted by touching an object used by an infected person. At the onset the victim feels tired, has a slight fever and pain in the head and back. His eyes redden and he may be sensitive to light. The fever rises until about the third or fourth day, when it reaches 103-104 degrees. Sometimes small white spots can be seen inside the mouth, and a rash of small pink spots appears below the hair line and behind the ears. This rash spreads downward to cover the body in about 36 hours. The pink spots may run together but fade away in about three or four days. Measles is contagious for seven or eight days, beginning three or four days be-fore the rash appears. Consequently, if one of your children contracts the disease, the others probably will have been exposed to it before you know the first I child is sick.

No treatment is required for measles other than bed rest, fluids to combat possible dehydration from fever, and calamine lotion or cornstarch baths to relieve the itching. If the child suffers from photophobia, the blinds in his bedroom should be lowered to darken the room. However, contrary to the popular myth, there is no danger of permanent blindness from this disease.
A vaccine to prevent measles is an-other element of the MMR inoculation given in early childhood. Doctors maintain that the inoculation is necessary to prevent measles encephalitis, which they say occurs about once in 1,000 cases. After decades of experience with measles, I question this statistic, and so do many other paediatricians. The incidence of 1/1,000 may be accurate for children who live in conditions of poverty and malnutrition, but in the middle-and upper-income brackets, if one excludes simple sleepiness from the measles itself, the incidence of true encephalitis is probably more like 1/10,000 or 1/100,000.

After frightening you with the unlikely possibility of measles encephalitis, your doctor can rarely be counted on to tell you of the dangers associated with the vaccine he uses to prevent it. The measles vaccine is associated with encephalopathy and with a series of other complications such as SSPE (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis), which causes hardening of the brain and is invariably fatal.

Other neurologic and sometimes fatal conditions associated with the measles vaccine include ataxia (inability to coordinate muscle movements), mental retardation, aseptic meningitis, seizure disorders, and hemiparesis (paralysis affecting one side of the body). Secondary complications associated with the vaccine may be even more frightening. They include encephalitis, juvenile-onset diabetes, Reye's syndrome, and multiple sclerosis.

I would consider the risks associated with measles vaccination unacceptable even if there were convincing evidence that the vaccine works. There isn't. While there has been a decline in the incidence of the disease, it began long before the vaccine was introduced. In 1958 there were about 800,000 cases of measles in the United States, but by 1962-the year before a vaccine appeared-the number of cases had dropped by 300,000. During the next four years, while children were being vaccinated with an ineffective and now abandoned "killed virus" vaccine, the number of cases dropped another 300,000. In 1900 there were 13.3 measles deaths per 100,000 population. By 1955, before the first measles shot, the death rate had declined 97.7 percent to only 0.03 deaths per 100,000.

Those numbers alone are dramatic evidence that measles was disappearing before the vaccine was introduced. If you fail to find them sufficiently convincing, consider this: in a 1978 survey of thirty states, more than half of the children who contracted measles had been adequately vaccinated. Moreover, according to the World Health Organization, the chances are about fifteen times greater that measles will be contracted by those vaccinated for them than by those who are not.

"Why," you may ask, "in the face of these facts, do doctors continue to give the shots?" The answer may lie in an episode that occurred in California fourteen years after the measles vaccine was introduced. Los Angeles suffered a severe measles epidemic during that year, and parents were urged to vaccinate all children six months of age and older-despite a Public Health Service warning that vaccinating children below the age of one year was useless and potentially harmful.
Although Los Angeles doctors responded by routinely shooting measles vaccine into very kid they could get their hands on, several local physicians familiar with the suspected problems of immunologic failure and "slow virus" dangers chose not to vaccinate their own infant children. Unlike their patients, who weren't told, they realized that "slow viruses" found in all live vaccines, and particularly in the measles vaccine, can hide in human tissue for years. They may emerge later in the form of encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, and as potential seeds for the development and growth of cancer.

One Los Angeles physician who refused to vaccinate his own seven-month-old baby said: "I'm worried about what happens when the vaccine virus may not only offer little protection against measles but may also stay around in the body, working in a way we don't know much about." His concern about the possibility of these consequences for his own child, however, did not cause him to stop vaccinating his infant patients. He rationalized this contradictory behaviour with the comment that "As a parent, I have the luxury of making a choice for my child. As a physician... legally and professionally I have to accept the recommendations of the profession, which is what we also had to do with the whole Swine flu business."

Perhaps it is time that lay parents and their children are granted the same luxury that doctors and their children enjoy.

Commonly known as "German measles," rubella is a non-threatening disease in children that does not require medical treatment.

The initial symptoms are fever and a slight cold, accompanied by a sore throat. You know it is something more when a rash appears on the face and scalp and spreads to the arms and body. The spots do not run together as they do with measles, and they usually fade away after two or three days. The victim should be encouraged to rest, and be given adequate fluids, but no other treatment is needed.

The threat posed by rubella is the possibility that it may cause damage to the fetus if a woman contracts the disease during the first trimester of her pregnancy. This fear is used to justify the immunization of all children, boys and girls, as part of the MMR inoculation. The merits of this vaccine are questionable for essentially the same reasons that apply to mumps inoculations. There is no need to protect children from this harmless disease, so the adverse reactions to the vaccine are unacceptable in terms of benefit to the child. They can include arthritis, arthralgia (painful joints), and polyneuritis, which produces pain, numbness, or tingling in the peripheral nerves. While these symptoms are usually temporary, they may last for several months and may not occur until as long as two months after the vaccination. Because of that time lapse, parents may not identify the cause when these symptoms reappear in their vaccinated child.
The greater danger of rubella vaccination is the possibility that it may deny expectant mothers the protection of natural immunity from the disease. By preventing rubella in childhood, immunization may actually increase the threat that women will contract rubella during their childbearing years. My concern on this score is shared by many doctors. In Connecticut a group of doctors, led by two eminent epidemiologists, have actually succeeded in getting rubella stricken from the list of legally required immunizations.

Study after study has demonstrated that many women immunized against rubella as children lack evidence of immunity in blood tests given during their adolescent years. Other tests have shown a high vaccine failure rate in children given rubella, measles, and mumps shots, either separately or in combined form. Finally, the crucial question yet to be answered is whether vaccine-induced immunity is as effective and long lasting as immunity from the natural disease of rubella. A large proportion of children show no evidence of immunity in blood tests given only four or five years after rubella vaccination.

The significance of this is both obvious and frightening. Rubella is a non threatening disease in childhood, and it confers natural immunity to those who contract it so they will not get it again as adults. Prior to the time that doctors began giving rubella vaccinations an estimated 85 percent of adults were naturally immune to the disease.

Today, because of immunization, the vast majority of women never acquire natural immunity. If their vaccine-induced immunity wears off, they may contract rubella while they are pregnant, with resulting damage to their unborn children.

Being a skeptical soul, I have always believed that the most reliable way to determine what people really believe is to observe what they do, not what they say. If the greatest threat of rubella is not to children, but to the fetus yet unborn, pregnant women should be protected against rubella by making certain that their obstetricians won't give them the disease. Yet, in a California survey reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, more than 90 percent of the obstetrician-gynecologists refused to be vaccinated. If doctors themselves are afraid of the vaccine, why on earth should the law require that you and other parents allow them to administer it to your kids?

Whooping cough (pertussis) is an extremely contagious bacterial disease that is usually transmitted through the air by an infected person.

The incubation period is seven to fourteen days. The initial symptoms are indistinguishable from those of a common cold: a runny nose, sneezing, listlessness and loss of appetite, some tearing in the eyes, and sometimes a mild fever.

As the disease progresses, the victim develops a severe cough at night. Later it appears during the day as well. Within a week to ten days after the first symptoms appear the cough will become paroxysmal. The child may cough a dozen times with each breath, and his face may darken to a bluish or purple hue. Each coughing bout ends with a whopping intake of breath, which accounts for the popular name for the disease. Vomiting is often an additional symptom of the disease.

Whooping cough can strike within any age group, but more than half of all victims are below two years of age. It can be serious and even life-threatening, particularly in infants. Infected persons can transmit the disease to others for about a month after the appearance of the initial symptoms, so it is important that they be isolated, especially from other children.
If your child contracts whooping cough, there is no specific treatment that your doctor can provide, nor is there any you can apply at home, other than to encourage your child to rest and to provide comfort and consolation. Cough suppressants are sometimes used, but they rarely help very much and I don't recommend them. However, if an infant contracts the disease, you should consult a doctor because hospital care may be required. The primary threats to babies are exhaustion from coughing and pneumonia. Very young infants have even been known to suffer cracked ribs from the severe coughing bouts.

Immunisation against pertussis is given along with vaccines for diphtheria and tetanus in the DPT inoculation. Although the vaccine has been used for decades, it is one of the most controversial of immunizations. Doubts persist about its effectiveness, and many doctors share my concern that the potentially damaging side effects of the vaccine may outweigh the alleged benefits.

Dr. Gordon T. Stewart, head of the department of community medicine at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, is one of the most vigorous critics of the pertussis vaccine. He says he supported the inoculation before 1974 but then began to observe outbreaks of pertussis in children who had been vaccinated. "Now, in Glasgow," he says, "30 per-cent of our whooping cough cases are occurring in vaccinated patients. This leads me to believe that the vaccine is not alt that protective."

As is the case with other infectious diseases, mortality had begun to decline before the vaccine became available. The vaccine was not introduced until about 1936, but mortality from the disease had already been declining steadily since 1900 or earlier. According to Stewart, "the decline in pertussis mortality was 80 percent before the vaccine was ever used." He shares my view that the key factor in controlling whooping cough is probably not the vaccine but improvement in the living conditions of potential victims.

The common side effects of the pertussis vaccine, acknowledged by JAMA, are fever, crying bouts, a shock-like state, and local skin effects such as swelling, redness, and pain. Less frequent but more serious side effects include convulsions and permanent brain damage resulting in mental retardation. The vaccine has also been linked to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). In 1978-79, during an expansion of the Tennessee childhood immunization program, eight cases of SIDS were reported immediately following routine DPT immunization.

Estimates of the number of those vaccinated with the pertussis vaccine who are protected from the disease range from 50 percent to 80 percent. According to JAMA. reported cases of whooping cough in the United States total an average of 1,000--3,000 per year and deaths five to twenty per year.

Although it was one of the most feared of childhood diseases in Grandma's day, diphtheria has now almost disappeared. Only 5 cases were reported in the United States in 1980. Most doctors insist that the decline is due to immunization with the DPT vaccine, but there is ample evidence that the incidence of diphtheria was already diminishing before a vaccine became available.
Diphtheria is a highly contagious bacterial disease that is spread by the coughing and sneezing of infected persons or by handling items that they have touched. The incubation period f6r the disease is two to five days, and the first symptoms are a sore throat, headache, nausea, coughing, and a fever of l00-l04 degrees. As the disease progresses, dirty-white patches can be observed on the tonsils and in the throat. They cause swelling in the throat and larynx that makes swallowing difficult and, in severe cases, may obstruct breathing to the point that the victim chokes to death. The disease requires medical attention and can be treated with antibiotics such as penicillin or erythromycin.

Today your child has about as much chance of contracting diphtheria as she does of being bitten by a cobra. Yet millions of children are immunized against it with repeated injections at two, four, six, and eighteen months and then given a booster shot when they enter school. This despite evidence over more than a dozen years from rare outbreaks of the disease that children who have been immunized fare no better than those who have not. During a 1969 outbreak of diphtheria in Chicago the city board of health reported that four of the sixteen victims had been fully immunized against the disease and five others had received one or more doses of the vaccine. Two of the latter showed evidence of full immunity. A report on another outbreak in which three people died revealed that one of the fatal cases and fourteen of twenty-three carriers had been fully immunized.

Episodes such as these shatter the argument that immunization can be credited with eliminating diphtheria or any of the other once common childhood diseases. If immunization deserved the credit, how do its defenders explain this? Only about half the states have legal requirements for immunization against infectious diseases, and the percentage of children immunized varies from state to state. As a consequence, tens of thousands-perhaps millions-of children in areas where medical services are limited and paediatricians almost nonexistent were never immunized against infectious diseases and therefore should be vulnerable to them. Yet the incidence of infectious diseases does not correlate in any respect with whether a state has legally mandated mass immunization or not.

In view of the rarity of the disease, the effective antibiotic treatment now available, the questionable effectiveness of the vaccine, the multimillion dollar annual cost of administering it, and the ever-present potential for harmful, long-term effects from this or any other vaccine, I consider continued mass immunization against diphtheria indefensible. I grant that no significant harmful effects from the vaccine have been identified, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. In the half century that the vaccine has been used no research has ever been undertaken to determine what the long-term effects of the vaccine may be!

This is my favourite childhood disease, first because it is relatively innocuous and second because it is one of the few for which no pharmaceutical manufacturer has yet marketed a vaccine. That second reason may be short-lived, though, because as this is written there are reports that a chicken pox vaccine soon may appear.

Chicken pox is a communicable viral infection that is very common in children. The first signs of the disease are usually a slight fever, headache, backache, and loss of appetite.
After a day or two, small red spots appear, and within a few hours they enlarge and become blisters. Ultimately a scab forms that peels off, usually within a week or two. This process is accompanied by severe itching, and the child should be encouraged not to scratch the sores. Calamine lotion may be applied, or cornstarch baths given, to relieve the itching.

It is not necessary to seek medical treatment for chicken pox. The patient should be encouraged to rest and to drink a lot of fluids to prevent dehydration from the fever.

The incubation period for chicken pox is from two to three weeks, and the disease is contagious for about two weeks, beginning two days after the rash appears. The child should be isolated during this period to avoid spreading the disease to others.

Parents should have the right to assume, and most do assume, that the tests their doctor gives their child will I produce an accurate result.

The tuberculin skin test is but one example of a medical test procedure in which that is definitely not the case. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics, which rarely has anything negative to say about procedures that its members routinely employ, has issued a policy statement that is critical of this test. According to that statement,
Several recent studies have cast doubt on the sensitivity of some screening tests for tuberculosis. Indeed a panel assembled by the Bureau of Biologics has recommended to manufacturers that each lot be tested in fifty known positive patients to assure that preparations that are marketed are potent enough to identify everyone with active tuberculosis. However, since many of these studies have not been conducted in a randomized, double-blind fashion and/or have included many simultaneously administered skin tests (thus the possibility of suppression of reactions), interpretation of the tests is difficult.

That statement concludes, "Screening tests for tuberculosis are not perfect, and physicians must be aware of the possibility that some false negative as well as positive reactions may be obtained."

In short, your child may have tuberculosis even though there is a negative reading on his tuberculin test. Or he may not have it but display a positive skin test that says he does. With many doctors, this can lead to some devastating consequences. Almost certainly, if this happens to your child, he will be exposed to needless hazardous radiation from one or more x-rays of his chest. The doctor may then place him on dangerous drugs such as isoniazid for months or years "to prevent the development of tuberculosis." Even the AMA has recognized that doctors have indiscriminately over prescribed isoniazid. That's shameful, because of the drug's long list of side effects on the nervous system, gastrointestinal system, blood, bone marrow, skin, and endocrine glands. Also not to be overlooked is the danger that your child may become a pariah in your neighborhood because of the lingering fear of this infectious disease.

I am convinced that the potential consequences of a positive tuberculin skin test are more dangerous than the threat of the disease. I believe parents should reject the test unless they have specific knowledge that their child has been in contact with someone who has the disease.

The dreadful possibility that they may awaken some morning to find their baby dead in his crib is a fear that lurks in the mind of many parents. Medical science has yet to pinpoint the cause of SIDS, but the most popular explanation among researchers appears to be that the central nervous system is affected so that the involuntary act of breathing is suppressed.
That is a logical explanation, but it leaves unanswered the question: What caused the malfunction in the central nervous system? My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the United States each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given children. The pertussis vaccine is the most likely villain, but it could also be one or more of the others.

Dr. William Torch, of the University of Nevada School of Medicine at Reno, has issued a report suggesting that the DPT shot may be responsible for SIDS cases. He found that two-thirds of 103 children who died of SIDS had been immunized with DPT vaccine in the three weeks before their deaths, many dying within a day after getting the shot. He asserts that this was not mere coincidence, concluding that a "causal relationship is suggested" in at least some cases of DIPT vaccine and crib death. Also on record are the Tennessee deaths, referred to earlier. In that case the manufacturers of the vaccine, following intervention by the U.S. surgeon general, recalled all unused doses of this batch of vaccine.

Expectant mothers who are concerned about SIDS should bear in mind the importance of breastfeeding to avoid this and other serious ailments. There is evidence that breastfed babies are less susceptible to allergies, respiratory disease, gastroenteritis, hypocalcaemia, obesity, multiple sclerosis, and SIDS. One study of the scientific literature about SIDS concluded that "Breast-feeding can be seen as a common block to the myriad pathways to SIDS."

No one who lived through the 1940s and saw photos of children in iron lungs, saw a 'President of the United States confined to his wheel-chair by this dread disease, and was for forbidden to use public beaches for fear of catching polio can forget the fear that prevailed at the time. Polio is virtually nonexistent today, but much of that fear persists, and there is a popular belief that immunization can be credited with eliminating the disease. That's not surprising, considering the high-powered campaign that promoted the vaccine, but the fact is that no credible scientific evidence exists that the vaccine caused polio to disappear. As noted earlier, it also disappeared in other parts of the world where the vaccine was not so extensively used.

What is important to parents of this generation is the evidence that points to mass inoculation against polio as the cause of most remaining cases of the disease. In September 1977 Jonas Salk, the developer of the killed polio virus vaccine, testified along with other scientists to that effect. He said that most of the handful of polio cases which had occurred in the US since the 197Os probably were the by-product of the live polio vaccine that is in standard use in the United States.

Meanwhile, there is an ongoing debate among the immunologists regarding the relative risks of killed virus vs. live virus vaccine. Supporters of the killed virus vaccine maintain that it is the presence of live virus organisms in the other product that is responsible for the polio cases that occasionally appear. Supporters of the live virus type argue that the killed virus vaccine offers inadequate protections and actually increases the susceptibility of those vaccinated.
This offers me a rare opportunity to be comfortably neutral. .I believe that both factions are right and that use of either of the vaccines will increase, not diminish, the possibility that your child will contract the disease.

In short, it appears that the most effective way to protect your child from polio is to make sure that he doesn't get the vaccine!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Busy Busy Busy in the Vokoun Household

Zoowalk 2009 is getting a bit crazy! Our raffle is in full swing. Tickets are $5.00 or you can purchase 5 tickets for $20.

Prizes include:

1. 8 gb iPod Touch

2. 8 gb iPod Nano

3. 4 ft tall wind chimes (that sound like church bells)

4. 4 pack Movie Passes

5. $25 gift card to restaurant of your choice

All proceeds benefit Autism Research Institute ( and ASU Research ( This year ASU Research will be conducting a Multi-Treatment Study for 100 children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

You can get RAFFLE Tickets in many ways:

2. Send me an email to let me know you are mailing me a check and I will give you my address.

3. I also accept PayPal but would like to keep this as the last resort.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


The reasons are many! Organic foods don’t just promote better health in those who eat them, they also promote healthier soils, less-polluted environments, sustainable agriculture, and the list goes on. Truly, many benefits come from organic foods!

* Eating organic foods protects you and your children from chemical pesticides and fertilizers, as well as growth hormones and antibiotics (found in meats). Remember, pesticides are designed to kill living creatures...there must be some cumulative effect on humans when we eat them daily in our foods.

* Growing organic means healthier soil. The soil is where it all starts in organic farming. Organic crops are rotated because that replenishes necessary nutrients into the soil without having to chemically fertilize. Organic soils produce the healthiest, tastiest, most nutritious foods for us to eat.

* Growing organic means cleaner water. No chemical fertilizers and pesticides means no runoff into our streams, lakes, and aquifers.

* Eating the healthiest, tastiest, most nutritious foods certainly benefits us all! Better yet, your body will process these nutritious goodies, and will NOT have to expend precious energy processing the chemical fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones, and antibiotics as well.

Remember, buying organic foods is a “vote with your dollar”; and not just for your own health, but also for the health of the environment. And that’s a benefit to everyone on the planet! Organic foods are, and will continue to be, a vital contributor to the overall health of all of us- even if you choose not to eat organic. They are a point of sanity in an otherwise conventionally thinking world.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Help Us Reach Our Goal for Autism Research Institute (

It's that time again . . .

We are kicking off our 2nd Annual Raffle for Autism with 4 prizes. I will be selling tickets 1 for $5.00 or 5 for $20.00.

- $25 Gift Card to a restaurant of your choice
- 4 pack Harkins movie passes
- 4 foot tall wind chimes that sound like church bells ($99.00 value - will ship to winner)

And the large ticket item again this year - 8 gb iPod Nano (4th Generation) Black

I do accept Paypal but would rather have you send me an email with the amount and write a check made payable to Autism Research Institute; or donate directly to our team page at:

This year's Zoowalk is being held on Saturday, October 17th, ironically in the same month as both my boy's birthdays - Max October 15 and Jeff October 20.

We will be drawing this year's winners on Friday, October 16th.


Your donation is tax-deductible. ARI's 501(c)(3) number is 95 254 8452

If you have any trouble with online donations, or if you prefer to make your own donation by phone, you may call ARI at 619-281-7165. You may also set up a monthly pledge by phone.

Thank you for your support!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dr. Kevin Ross' Power Company Newsletter

There are two very significant articles in this month's issue of Dr. Kevin Ross' Power Company newsletter.

- Asthma and Chiropractic
- Swine flu vaccine - No thanks

Here's the link.

My advice for today: Take lots of vitamin C, see your chiropractor and stay away from anything artificial. If God didn't make it, it's probably not so good for you.

God be with you,

42 Odd Things About Me!

42 odd things about you! If you opened this, fill it out! Learn 42 things about your friends, and let them learn 42 things about you! Tag the person that sent it plus others. (to do this go to your profile, click on the Notes box and cut and paste. Tag the people you want to send this to in the box to the right)

1. Do you like blue cheese? Mold - ah no.

2. Have you ever been drunk? Officer, I only had 2 drinks. LOL Of course.

3. Do you own a gun? No, and won't but am not offended by others who do.

4. What flavor of Kool Aid was your flavor? Black Cherry

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Yes, for the doctor, not me.

6. What do you think of hot dogs? Hotdogs cooked on the grill with a dark skin, ketchup and mustard. Yum.

7. Favorite Christmas movie? Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer.

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee with Baileys, but since I have to go to work, I settle for just Coffee-Mate. ;o(

9. Can you do push ups? I think so. I will try. Hang on. . . yep still can.

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My heart pendant.

11. Favorite hobby? Healing my babies.

12. Do you have A.D.D.? Absolutely! My kids got it from somewhere and it wasn't their fathers.

13. What are your favorite shoes? Flip flops

14. Middle name? I don't have one. Feel free to suggest some.

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? My family hurts.My heart longs.My kids need to go to bed.

16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? CoffeeDiet PepsiWater

17. Current worry? That this PMS isn't going away.

18. Current hate right now? That I have to get up in the morning.

19. How did you bring in the New Year? Camping/Rockcrawling in the desert with some old friends.

20. Where would you like to go? Lakewood

21. Name three people who will complete this. Hmmm ... good question.

22. Do you own slippers? No.

23. What color shirt are you wearing right now? black tank top

24. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? No too slippery

25. Can you whistle? Yes but not like to a dog.

26. Favorite color? blue

27. Would you be a pirate? No, they are thieves.

28. What songs do you sing in the shower? Raindrops keep fallin on my head.

29. Favorite girl's name?.Marissa

30. Favorite boy's name? Maxton, but we got Maximillian, that's what you do, compromise.

31. What's in your pocket right now? bank card

32. Last thing that made you laugh? Max saying he can't eat if Sponge Bob isn't on.

33. Best bed sheets as a child? Don't think I had any.

34. Worst injury you've ever had as a child? Long's dog bit my head.

35. Do you love where you live? Love the state, house not so much.

36. Who is your loudest friend? LOL I think I'm the loudest. Cora is a close second. ;o)

37. How many dogs do you have? One Queensland named Travis.

38. Does someone have a crush on you? I'm sure of it.

39. What is your favorite book? Louder Than Words

40. What is your favorite candy? Old Fashioned Toffee from See's Candies.

41. Favorite Sports Team? N/A

42. What song do you want played at your funeral? Have to think on this one.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Because I have nothing better to do . . . NOT!

I'm scared to death that someday soon, our government is going to push us to put a product in our bodies that have killed many. Do they care? HA Of course they do. They care about how much $ actually is made by making the flu vaccine along with the Swine Flu vaccine MANDATORY! Yes that's right folks. You won't have a choice. Are you scared? YOU SHOULD BE! They are only testing on healthy folks. What about all our extremely sensitive kids who react to EVERYTHING? What about our already ill parents who are forced to vaccinate?

I have nothing better to do, so I stir the pot! NOT! Bringing awareness! Pay attention folks, its on its way.

Read this article and do some research for yourself.


Dios esté con usted,


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Does vaccination give us healthier children?
Philip Incao, M.D.

"A critical point, which is never mentioned by those advocating mandatory vaccination of children, is that children's health has declined significantly since 1960 when vaccines began to be widely used. According to the National Health Interview Survey conducted annually by the National Center for Health Statistics since 1957, a shocking 31% of U.S. children today have a chronic health problem, 18% of children require special health care or related services and 6.7% of children have a significant disability due to a chronic physical or mental condition. Respiratory allergies, asthma and learning disabilities are the most common of these.

"Since vaccinations have a lasting effect on the immune system, and since it is known that many vaccines shift the balance of the immune system away from its acutely-reacting "Th1" side and toward its chronically-reacting "Th2" side it is a very plausible scenario that vaccines are contributing greatly to the large-scale and unprecedented increase in chronic conditions such as allergies, asthma, diabetes and a wide range of neurological dysfunctions including learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, seizures and autism in U.S. children today." (3)

3. Incao P. Hepatitis B vaccination testimony in Ohio , March 1, 1999.

B - I - T - C - H

One of my fellow "Bitches" sent this to me via email and it so applies to many of my girls. So I'm sharing!

When I stand up for myself and my beliefs, they call me a bitch.
When I stand up for those I love, they call me a bitch.
When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts or do things my own way, they call me a bitch.
Being a bitch means I won't compromise what's in my heart. It means I live my life MY way. It means I won't allow anyone to step on me.
When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak against it, I am defined as a bitch.
The same thing happens when I take time for myself instead of being everyone's maid, or when I act a little selfish.
It means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won't become anyone else's idea of what they think I 'should' be.
I am outspoken, opinionated and determined. I want what I want and there is nothing wrong with that!
So try to stomp on me, just try to douse my inner flame, try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me. You won't succeed.
And if that makes me a bitch, so be it. I embrace the title and am proud to bear it.
B - Babe
I - In
T - Total
C - Control of
H - Herself

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mercury in Common Food Items

With some resistance and a post from 1 of my cousins, I got to thinking that the resistant nature is due to many being mislead by higher powers. Those higher powers who have control over mollions of peoples health and well being.

I wonder what this committee eats themselves and feeds to their own kids.

Has anyone ever wondered how the Food and Drug Administration is responsible for both "FOOD" and "DRUGS"? Deep pockets maybe?

Well here's a small eye opener to those resistant folks out there. This is an article published in January 2009 about a study that was conducted.

Just in case you are UNAWARE . . . MERCURY is a toxic heavy metal that with buildup in your body causes many illnesses this country is plagued with. Neurologically and autoimmunity speaking in my family.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

First Neuroimaging Study Examining Motor Execution in Children with Autism

There's been alot of information coming out about DNA and Neuroimaging. This is really some quality stuff they are FINALLY figuring out.

Some people believe this is all very narrow minded and that they should be devoting all their time to Vaccines or the Pharmaceutical industry. But I don't! I believe our kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders are those beautiful canaries in the coal mine.

There are alot of sick people in this country. Everyone should be asking why? Why are so many kids being diagnosed with diabetes, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, ADHD, Autism, Asthma, Allergies? Why? Why are the elderly living out the remainder of their lives, fighting for their lives. Why?

I realize the answer to this question is really really scary for most people to wrap their heads around but it really is a fact. Big Pharma makes billions of $s on a product that is only on the market for a short time and then pulled off for killing people. Billions! How about some products that people "think" they have to take forever like blood pressure meds. The profits are astronomical. Do you think "they" want us healthy? HELL NO.

So back to my point (I have that way about me), there are many pieces to the "SICKNESS" puzzle, not just the autism puzzle. Neuroimaging is pretty great technology that is proving to be quite beneficial.

Dieu soit avec vous,

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

You wanna talk? Who's DNA is it anyway?

Let's allow our government to keep complete tabs on our medical health so that they know EXACTLY how to bend us over.

You know when they come into the hospital at a few hours old and do the heel prick? There you have it! Since Jeff was born at home, they gave me the card and told me how to do it, I never sent it in. But both my babies had it done.

The video link is only 7 min. long. Very interesting.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What is Autism?

Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder that typically lasts throughout a person's lifetime. It is part of a group of disorders known as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Today, 1 in 150 individuals is diagnosed with ASD, making it more common than pediatric cancer, diabetes, and AIDS combined. It occurs in all racial, ethnic, and social groups and is four times more likely to strike boys than girls. Autism impairs a person's ability to communicate and relate to others. It is also associated with rigid routines and repetitive behaviors, such as obsessively arranging objects or following very specific routines. Symptoms can range from very mild to quite severe.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

ARI - Vaccines: The issues and ARI's Vaccine Initiative

Autism Research Review International, 2009, Vol. 23 (1), pp. 3 and 7
Editor’s Notebook:
Vaccines: The issues and ARI’s Vaccine Initiative

Stephen M. Edelson and Jon B. Pangborn
Autism Research Institute
4182 Adams Avenue, San Diego, CA 92116

Vaccine safety is of great importance to our society because it balances the indisputable need for disease prevention and public health against the potential for harm to an individual. The Autism Research Institute (ARI) is particularly concerned with vaccine safety because of innumerable testimonies from parents that autistic traits have appeared in their children following vaccinations—especially after multivalent ones such as the “measles, mumps, and rubella” and vaccines containing the mercury-based preservative thimerosal.

Over the past several years, parent-sponsored advocacy groups and some physicians have begun raising awareness among the public and government agencies regarding a possible relationship between vaccines and autism. In addition, these parent-led groups recommend specific treatments to counteract the perceived adverse effects of vaccines.

At ARI, we also recognize that retrospective, correlative epidemiologic studies by most researchers have failed to conclude that there is a link between the onset of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and vaccinations, although some studies suggest a link to thimerosal. However, many of these studies demonstrating no or minimal adverse effects of vaccines have been funded by pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, or individuals who profit from vaccine development and use. These actual or perceived conflicts of interest undermine public confidence and ill-serve those with genuine concern for public health while raising suspicions of parents. Parents want to know all the affiliations of the investigators and the compensations that they have received.

Vaccine administration is mandated by individual states for infants to be enrolled in day-care or public school systems; therefore, vaccines should be held to the highest standards with regard to safety and efficacy. Moreover, investigations of safety and efficacy should be conducted by experts who are truly independent and impartial. And finally, in almost every published study showing no or minimal adverse effects as a result of vaccines, authoritative reviewers have raised reasonable questions regarding the validity of the data, the statistical methods employed, and/or the experimental design.

ARI desires to be an advocate for and an initiating force behind thorough and unbiased vaccine safety studies. We don’t wish to be alone in this endeavor, and we are not out to denigrate vaccinations. We advocate studies that will conclusively decide issues such as whether there are risk factors for autism linked to vaccines, the appropriateness of alternative vaccination schedules, and whether there are telltale signs or measurable markers of concern prior to vaccination.

Individuals and subgroups of populations with ASD have been found to have immune dysregulation in many investigations. At least a dozen expert studies now have identified or confirmed persistent inflammation in many individuals with ASD in brain tissue, the intestinal tract, or both. Studies using cells and tissues have indicated trouble detoxifying heavy metals (including mercury) and organic xenobiotics such as pesticides. Metabolic processes that regulate cellular energy, immune response, and endocrine functions have been cited as problems in ASD populations. Recently, mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated as a predisposing condition. And a handful of studies, most of them funded by parents and parent advocacy groups, have documented physiological abnormalities in children on the autism spectrum that are consistent with a vaccine etiology.

Some independent researchers have replicated these findings, while others have not. Can the pathology of autism be triggered by vaccination? And if so, when does it occur?
To us at ARI, it appears that predisposing conditions, including many of genetic origins, can lead to ASD via an infectious or toxic insult that occurs at the wrong time—during gestation, infancy, or other critical periods of development. The result is a persistent maladaptation involving inflammation, immune activation, epigenetic changes, lack of neuronal connectivity and synchrony, lack of integrative and responsive thought, and a deficit of expressive speech.
Many investigations of suspected triggering stressors have been published. We at ARI are very concerned about organochlorines (dicofol, endosulfan), organophosphates (diazinon and others requiring enzymatic detoxication via paraoxonase), mercury and other heavy metals in their various chemical forms, and the whole of our contaminated environment. Vaccines are not our sole focus, but they are on our list of environmental suspects until proved otherwise.
To date, research into vaccines and autism has been inconclusive largely because of the limitations and confounds inherent in most of the studies. Basically, the vaccine/autism issue has involved four separate issues:

· The vaccines themselves (e.g. MMR, DPaT).
· Adjuvants used to make vaccines more effective (e.g. aluminum).
· Preservatives (such as thimerosal).
· The timing and the number of vaccine injections—in other words, the age of first vaccination and the time intervals between vaccinations.

In general, investigators have focused primarily on one of these four issues. However, it is also important to consider the potential adverse effects of a combination of two, three, or possibly all of them.

An additional issue is the presence of illness, inflammation, oxidative stress, metabolic dysfunction, or toxicity that needs to be taken into consideration because these may be predictors of children who have increased risk of developing autism. The medical profession advises caution when giving vaccines to individuals with compromised immune systems because these individuals are considered to have a higher risk for vaccine injury. We recommend that children who are sick have the vaccinations rescheduled to a time of wellness. We would like to see a marker for oxidative stress or inflammation checked before vaccination because both of these problems are perpetuating circumstances described in many children with autism. We also believe that a pregnant woman should never get a shot that contains any form of mercury or aluminum because the safety of mercury and aluminum has not been adequately studied. It is important to mention that the flu shot still contains mercury. Indeed, removal of mercury from all vaccines would be judicious and would help foster public confidence and compliance with government vaccination policies.

The debate over the autism/vaccine connection is more than ten years old, and it will likely continue for many more years. Clearly, the most effective way to resolve this issue is for the scientific and medical communities to communicate and coordinate efforts to study the issues associated with vaccine safety. The results from this research will be accepted by the scientific and parent communities only if the investigations and the investigators are honest, thorough, and clearly unbiased. The research must be multi-faceted, involving epidemiological studies, cellular and animal models, in-depth parent interviews, and evaluations of infants who have an adverse vaccine reaction. There should be careful monitoring of children before and after receiving vaccines, and this should include objective physiological measures.

Last year, ARI began a one-million-dollar puzzle piece campaign to raise funds to organize and coordinate scientific investigation on vaccine safety. When we achieve this financial goal, we will recruit medical and scientific professionals from both sides of the issue to develop objective experimental designs that will truly enable careful investigation of the various issues of vaccine safety. One hundred percent of the monies raised by the campaign will be used for this project.
In addition, ARI will fund many of these studies and will actively encourage governmental and other health care agencies to sponsor and fund this line of research.

Vaccines are an integral part of modern medicine, but we feel their safety has not been adequately studied. Not only do children get more vaccinations than their parents received, but all of us now are exposed to increased kinds and amounts of toxic stressors. The stakes are high and the nation needs, once and for all, answers to the pressing questions regarding vaccines and their possible relationship with autism. If the research reveals a true relationship between vaccines and autism, changes in healthcare can and should be made immediately to benefit society as a whole, as well as future generations of children.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What did I do?

This email went around today at the office.

Answer me first then forward to your friends!!! If you saw ME in a police car what would you think I got arrested for?

Reply to me, alone, then fwd this on and see how many crimes you get accused of.

This is what I got from Tina and Susan:
Disorderly Conduct!
Gina approached someone eating a non-organic, red-dyed, wheat infested food product.
Other person is offended; fight ensues.
OMG how funny! I'm just thankful that this is all they could come up with. I suppose being known for harping on my loved ones to get healthy isn't so bad. ;o) AND, they apparently listened because they are able to list out No Nos.

Monday, May 18, 2009

GSH - Glutathione! This is a BIG deal!

This has got to be the busiest and most informative website I've been to in awhile. Just about everything is covered in detail.

Check it out! Great explanations.


Coconut Bliss ~ OOOOH, for those Ice Cream Lovers

Here you go! Anyone interested in a casein free ice cream? Here you go. The website is pretty yummy in itself.

Dios esté con usted,

Monday, May 11, 2009

Results of our Chromosome Tests

Autism along with ADHD and other neurological disorders (most) are triggered by environmental toxins, we know that. Check!

But why does this happen to some people and not others or all?

Here's the deal ~ some people or groups of people (families) are predisposed to some illnesses. What your doctor will not test for or even begin to talk to you about are things you can do to prevent these illnesses by knowing that you have a problem in the first place. You would not continue to see that doctor because you would be able to make yourself healthy and therefore not need his or her services anymore. HMMMMM.

1. Food industry provides garbage for us to eat but make us believe if it's on the shelf it MUST be ok to eat! NOT!

2. Pesticides and insecticides are sprayed EVERYWHERE! Chemicals people ~ chemicals!

3. Vaccines - Ok I know you are tired of hearing me talk about it, but this is HUGE to my family. 48 doses of 14 different vaccines before the age of 5! HELLO ~ CAN YOU SAY TOXIC!

4. Pharmaceuticals in general! These things mask your symptoms, they do not treat the illness itself. I'm not saying don't take it, I'm saying research WHY you are taking it and maybe there is an alternative to the RX.

I received the results from our chromosome testing! I can't figure out how to post a .pdf or .jpg that you can read. If you are interested in seeing the results ~ email me and I will forward them to you.

Here's my family genetic link (our predisposition) to environmental toxins. In our case, vaccines.

~ Gina received measles vaccine December 1972, started seizures February 1973.
~ Jeff received MMR at 4 years, 3 months, started 105 and 106 temps and seizures 3 weeks later. Diagnosed ADHD with Inattentiveness.
~ Max received MMR and Varicella at 15 mos. old, by 16 mos old lost all words, began screaming and meltdowns, lining up toys and lost eye contact. Diagnosed PDD-NOS (Pervasive Development Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified)

Moms pass this particular genetic problem 95% of the time. I was born to a woman with severe crohn's disease along with major autoimmune dysfunction. Hmmmm, wonder if she's passed it to me? Maybe that's why my older sister had Rheumatoid Arthritis (autoimmune) as a child, but since has been fine. My mother is 1 of 6 sisters who also have autoimmune dysfunction. They all have some combination of boys with ADHD symptoms all over the board.

Oh, have I neglected to tell you about my families AWESOME ability to play music in a superb fashion FOR FLIPPIN' HOURS!

All I'm saying is for family members intending to have more children (especially the girls born of girls) to have tests run prior to having more children. Have the appropriate tests run and please don't allow the hospital to stab your child with the Hep B vaccine at 3 hours old.


Don't take the chance of Autism in your world! 1 in close to 100 diagnosed with autism. 1 child every 20 minutes. 1 in 13 diagnosed with ADHD. Do you want to take that chance or get informed to prevent it from happening to you? It's not Italy ~ TRUST ME!

P.S. Now I know why I always felt like an outcast or the blacksheep along with some of my other cousins who have been thrown under the bus. (Love you Moon!)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Husband has gone L.E.E.D.

L.E.E.D. (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified is becoming a big deal and rightfully so. Mike got certified a few weeks ago along with some fellow coworkers. Here's an article about how Phoenix is trying to do their part.

'Green' economy sprouts new benefits for Arizona

Still Blows My Mind

We are so engrossed in this world of eating whole foods and avoiding environmental toxins. It's second nature to us to not wear cologne or perfume since it is a gas and you inhale thru your delicate lungs. Delicate lungs that then send those toxins into your blood stream. Think about a small child with a very delicate immune system. Or how about a small child who has already been horribly damaged by the vaccines that were suppose to protect them from environmental triggers. Those kids really can't naturally detox environmental toxins such as perfume, pesticides, artificial colors and flavors; or TBHQ a horrible preservative that the "industry" tries to sneak past all you unsuspecting well doers. Everyone knows the term Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) so we watch for that one. McDonald's now uses TBHQ You'll also see alot of BHA and BHT. Those are some others that are far worse than MSG.

Here's a link that all should read:
Mona Sethi Gupta, Ph.D.. Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children - Autism and ADHD. April 14 2008. Accessed on-

ADHD kids were grazed by the bullet. Autism kids were hit head on.

If I could just get one person to read and learn. Pay attention to the food you eat, the things you smell, the cleaning products you use at home. All these things take control of your brain. LITERALLY!

And just because I have kids with Autism, doesn't mean this only is for "kids with autism". All of us are susceptible to environmental toxins. As we get older and start to be more run down, most people chalk it up to age! NOT SO! Environmental toxins are accumulative if you aren't detoxing naturally. HMMMM, depression is it a "chemical imbalance" in your brain? How'd that happen? I wasn't like this 20 years ago.


Dios esté con usted,

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Here's a link to his article on Huffington Post.

For those of you who may think the controversy over vaccines is just a bunch of people believing in what they hear or what they consider "snake oil" treatments, read the article. Read it and keep an open mind that what he's saying really does make sense.

Big Brother does exist. Reality is not what you think it is!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Ok, a break for a minute. . .

We have been soooo busy with the kids, I just haven't had time to blog. Having Facebook doesn't help either. ;o)

We started chelating Jeff a week ago. We are now 3 days into week 2. This is to go on for 10 weeks, but hopefully will make a positive impact. Since both boys are elavated in Lead, Mercury, Aluminum, Thalium and a few other heavy metals, we decided to get started right away. I have to physically hand Jeff his supplements 3 times a day. I'd like to add, this is no small task. He takes 18 pills 2 times a day and then 9 before bed. Knowing we are only at day 10 and he's already getting tired of it, I have my work cut out for me. I know something is happening because he's a mess. He's negotiating like mad, sitting and staring at the wall. It's HORRIBLE! It will only get worse before it gets better.

Max, won't swallow pills so I had to open the capsules and put them in his vitamins. Unfortunately, they taste HORID. We've had to wrap him in a blanket, pry his mouth open, squirt in liquid and hold his mouth closed so he doesn't spit it back out. Guess What? NO CAN DO! He threw up after I let him up. He was so worked up, it was horrible. We tried numerous times and it just isn't going to happen. Marissa gets upset and me and Mike are just a mess. So I'm waiting for the doctor to call me back. I'm sure we'll have to go with IV chelation. I can't see it happening any other way.

So please pray for my boys!

For something cute and cuddly. Check out this link. . .

God be with you,

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Update Update April is Autism Awareness Month

Below is an email I received that I couldn't decide what part of it I wanted to share, so I'm sharing it all. It is a long read, but those of you who come to my site will totally get it. Love to all ~ Gina
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Thank you all for participating in the Million Dollar Puzzle to fund badly needed Autism Research. I wanted to give you an update on our progress. Currently we have distributed 3,274 packets (163,700 puzzle pieces) to 48 states (433 cities). We are not yet in Montana or North Dakota – in case you have a contact there! We have forwarded over $59,000 to the Autism Research Institute. But we still have a very l-o-n-g way to go….

April is national Autism Awareness Month and a great time to distribute the Autism Puzzle Pieces. Some of you ordered the puzzle pieces several months ago and have not yet returned any donations. I know that autism (and life in general) can disrupt our best intentions. But I encourage you to make an extra special effort during April. The puzzle pieces are a great way to increase public awareness of the current autism epidemic.

Help us spread the word. Tell other parents in your area about the puzzle campaign and how they can become involved. Just send them to our web site - If there is any kind of autism event planned in your area during April, contact those organizing it and ask if you might be permitted to distribute the puzzle pieces.

Please know that if you have already distributed the puzzle pieces and sent in the donations you collected, there is still time to order more for April! We will continue this effort until we reach our goal and the puzzle pieces are available year round.

And the Million Dollar Puzzle is now a cause on Facebook. You can direct friends and family there to make online donations.

It will be us, those who care about someone with autism, – not our government - who funds the independent large-scale vaccinated vs. unvaccinated research study. We will fund the research to explain why some children respond well to biomedical treatments and others do not. ARI is committed to fund these studies.

Many, many thanks to all of you for keeping Dr. Rimland’s dream alive - to Defeat Autism Now! Together we can and will do just that.


P.S. In case you have not seen the video of the beautiful “Missing Pieces” sung by Mark Leland, be sure to go to

Mark is a member of the Million Dollar Puzzle Committee.

Let me tell you a little about the song. Mark co-wrote “Missing Pieces” with a local single dad, Tim Calhoun. The song tells of Tim’s son Nathaniel’s tragic decent into the abyss of autism at around 18 months of age and the child’s miraculous recovery through newly developed biomedical treatments. It is hoped that the song will increase awareness of the current Autism Epidemic, which not affects 1 in 150 births. Parents need to know that recovery is possible!
“Missing Pieces” - The Story Behind the Song
By Tim Calhoun

On December 11, 1999 my youngest son, Nathaniel, came into this world, a perfectly normal beautiful gift from God. With pride I watched him meet all the normal developmental milestones. By eighteen months of age he was naming TV shows and calling his brothers and sisters by name. But he was also becoming a constantly sick child, going to the doctor two to three times every week. There were unending fevers, ear infections, and colds. He cried constantly, had a bloated stomach and continually covered his ears with his hands. Shortly after receiving the MMR his left eyelid began to droop and his language disappeared. He no longer made eye contact, could not attend to any task, and developed many typical autistic behaviors. Local doctors finally recommended a psychological exam at age three. The psychologist was the first to mention the “A” word. A team examination at the University of Arkansas Children’s Hospital in 2003 resulted in the official diagnosis of Autism.

When Nathaniel was three I became a single parent with sole custody of my son. He was making no progress in Pre-K. I was desperate to find help for my son. Through the Internet I located the NE LA Autism Society and arranged a meeting with Lynda Huggins. I was literally in tears as I asked how I could help my son. After discussing Nathaniel’s history Lynda urged me to take my son to a DAN! doctor. She told me about an upcoming Mini-DAN conference in New Orleans. I attended and met Dr. Stephanie Cave, a DAN! Practitioner from Baton Rouge. She agreed to see Nathaniel. In February of 2004 Dr. Cave did extensive testing on Nathaniel, prescribed several daily supplements and said that I should put him on a Gluten-free, Casein-free diet immediately. Within days of starting the diet there was improvement and school reports reflected progress. In April, when test results were completed, Dr. Cave started Nathaniel on a chelation regiment. For many months, it was not an easy or pleasant experience for either Nathaniel or me. I had to literally hold him down to get the pills down his throat. But the progress I saw motivated me to follow Dr. Cave’s instructions to the letter.

I was attending monthly meetings of the local autism support group and began to feel that I was not alone in this battle. When I mentioned my lack of success with potty training, the group suggested the wonderful book/video & bear entitled “It’s Potty Time”. Amazingly after watching the video and reading the book, Nathaniel trained himself within one day! I captured his joy at success with a Polaroid camera and that picture served as a reinforcement, which he took with him to school. I began to realize the communication power of pictures! Since Nathaniel could not express his needs or desires verbally, I cut pictures from magazines for him to show me what he wanted to eat, to do, etc. Within a few months, his language began to return. It was as if he picked up right where he lost his words. His first clear complete phrase was “I love you Daddy” - what a wonderful reward for the months of special diet and lots of pills! School reports included “speaking more and more.” By the end of that school year the school reported “You need no progress report to tell you how well Nathaniel is progressing.”

Imagine not having the ability to express your likes or dislikes, your fears or joys, what you do or do not want to do. How frustrating it must have been for my son. But he found ways to get his point across – like throwing three pairs of new shoes (which he obviously did not like) out the car window as he traveled in his car seat behind me. He traveled with me during the summer months and once stripped butt naked in the middle of a business meeting at a fancy restaurant. During our travels he knew exactly where he had visited a Toys ‘R Us store - months earlier and pointed excitedly as we approached the correct exit. He had so much to tell me – but could not speak the words. And there were many humorous times. He decided the Blues Clues potty seat resembled a hat and a hacksaw was required to remove it from his head. The noise of my windshield wipers was evidently painful to his ears so he simply removed them (with a screwdriver) and hid them from me. Yes he found ways to tell me many things.

This past December Nathaniel celebrated his sixth birthday. You could not have picked him out of the group of kids as a child with autism. He was just a normal 6-year-old joyously tearing into gifts, eating lots of pizza and cake and playing appropriately.

Throughout the past three years I have been blessed with wonderful support from family and friends and the skilled medical guidance of Dr. Cave. Nathaniel’s grandmothers have followed my every direction for diet and pills and each instruction for working with him. In the last two years (and since six weeks after beginning chelation), Nathaniel has had only one doctor visit. That was for the removal of his tonsils. That doctor voiced his opinion that Nathaniel’s droopy left eyelid might have resulted from a minor stroke (at around age 18 months).

There were many stressful times. It was especially difficult as a single parent to hold a job requiring extensive travel, arrange all the doctor visits, follow all the doctor’s instructions, and endure the bizarre behaviors. Many times I felt that I was at my rope’s end. After one particularly long and exhausting day, when I finally got Nathaniel down for the night, I sat down and began to write. The words that flowed from my mind that night – “Now I lay him down to sleep, I pray Dear Lord my son could speak” - surely came from above. As I thought about what I had written I decided to contact my life-long friend and recording artist, Mark Leland. Together we expanded upon those words to write the song “Missing Pieces”.

These many months later as we are completing a video of “Missing Pieces” I know that God has led me through this experience for a purpose. It is my hope and prayer that the song will generate funding to assist families in obtaining the biomedical treatments that can help these children. My miracle son is proof that recovery is possible. The song tells of the pain of watching a child slip into the autism abyss and of a parent’s determination to pull him back. Now I know there are so many more like Nathaniel who need our help to win this war. Together we can help them make it through. The missing piece is me and you.
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