Monday, April 13, 2009

Ok, a break for a minute. . .

We have been soooo busy with the kids, I just haven't had time to blog. Having Facebook doesn't help either. ;o)

We started chelating Jeff a week ago. We are now 3 days into week 2. This is to go on for 10 weeks, but hopefully will make a positive impact. Since both boys are elavated in Lead, Mercury, Aluminum, Thalium and a few other heavy metals, we decided to get started right away. I have to physically hand Jeff his supplements 3 times a day. I'd like to add, this is no small task. He takes 18 pills 2 times a day and then 9 before bed. Knowing we are only at day 10 and he's already getting tired of it, I have my work cut out for me. I know something is happening because he's a mess. He's negotiating like mad, sitting and staring at the wall. It's HORRIBLE! It will only get worse before it gets better.

Max, won't swallow pills so I had to open the capsules and put them in his vitamins. Unfortunately, they taste HORID. We've had to wrap him in a blanket, pry his mouth open, squirt in liquid and hold his mouth closed so he doesn't spit it back out. Guess What? NO CAN DO! He threw up after I let him up. He was so worked up, it was horrible. We tried numerous times and it just isn't going to happen. Marissa gets upset and me and Mike are just a mess. So I'm waiting for the doctor to call me back. I'm sure we'll have to go with IV chelation. I can't see it happening any other way.

So please pray for my boys!

For something cute and cuddly. Check out this link. . .

God be with you,

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