We had a nice morning! We ate lots of food, as usual, and then ventured off to Sprouts for some shopping of the snacks, supplements, and wheat free BEER. Mister and Missy love to go shopping. And I can honestly say, they are soooo much better behaved then other kids. LOL Most of the times, I think "OMG, my kids are just a ball of chaos". Then I actually experience someone elses and my kids are damn near angels.
After shopping we went to Cool Cuts. They are SOOOO good with the kids. My kids love to go there. They have lots of toys and movies, and VIDEO GAMES. It's really cute. So anyways, they got their hairs cut and had a great time.
Mike is in the process of laying pavers for under the trailer. This project has been ongoing for about a month now. Two more major projects in the future: Replacing and resurfacing our ups
tairs patio and restructuring our pool area (larger patio, outdoor fireplace, waterfall and wall to section off the side yard). Ok, we'll be at it for awhile. ;o)

We tried some new gluten free french toast sticks. EWWWH! Not good. Mister scarfed them down but Miss wasn't too sure. lol I'm better off trying to make my own out of the wheat free
bread I make. If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears.

After their scrumptuous lunch! NOT! Off for a nap they went. I managed to get lots of work done today. Jeff got some chinese food (NO MSG) and is looking forward to seeing his girlfriend for a movie tonight. ;o)
Let's see, what else do I have to be so darned happy about. . .
Miss started back to swim last night after her adventures in dislocated toes. She's awesome. I'm going to video tonight. She is swimming with clothes on today. This next week is her last week. I'm sure Miss Becky will test her out by Wednesday.
Wednesday, Home Depot will start installing our new "resurfaced" kitchen cabinets. YEAH! I'm so excited I can't stand it. 3 days and they should be all done. The only yucky part is I have to take EVERYTHING out of all the kitchen cabinets until they are done. Where the heck do you put all this stuff?

1 comment:
Your outside looks like it is going to be awesome! :)
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