Then around 11ish when I was ear plugged and all cozy in my nice warm bed - "whaaaaaaa"! Mike says: "Gina, Sissy's crying, did you hear her?" Felt like saying "Nope, didn't hear a thing", but of course that would never happen. So up I went. Poor Baby, I couldn't get her to stop. I had her lay in bed with me for a bit, but that wasn't working. I came downstairs to fish her a dose of some Tylenol Cold. It wasn't 2 seconds into that kid's mouth and she started SCREAMING. I picked her up to comfort her and WHOOOSH! All down the back of me, all over the carpet, all over my cedar chest with the padded cloth cushion on the top. Oh it wasn't pretty. Of course I had turned down the monitor so that we wouldn't disturb Daddy, so he heard NOTHING.
I cleaned myself up, put Sis in bed with dad and proceeded upstairs to clean up curdled milk and pizza! (Nik, may not be poop, but we got the gross factor) So in the end, Daddy slept upstairs in Sis's room and she finally fell asleep in bed with me around 1:45 a.m. repeating "mama, mama, mama" over and over again.
4:45 a.m. came WAY TOO EARLY! Yikes, where's my Hills Bros. I think I drank two pots today. She napped from 8 to noon. Good for her. I had Mister of course. He went down, she woke up. NICE! Would I have expected anything different? NO!
It wasn't 15 minutes into our youngest child's awakeness, when she fell to the kitchen floor like she was dying. Ok, for those of you who don't know, "she's all about the drama"! I thought what the heck? I picked her up to comfort her yet again, still remembering the last time I did that just 12 hours earlier. She's saying over and over "ouwhee, ouwhee". I felt the whole way down her legs, feet and when I got to her right foot, she started screaming bloody murder. I'm sure my neighbors were thinking I was removing her limbs. There it was, a tiny right foot, 5th toe sticking straight out in the wrong direction. Awh, poor baby! Ok, first thing that went thru my head, she broke her toe, doctor would tape it. However, it is in the wrong place. Of course the doctors office said "call back at 1:30, after lunch, and they'll get you in". It was 12:45 p.m.

So they xrayed, determined it was a dislocated tiny little toe, popped it back in, taped her up and off we went. She fell asleep in her carseat on the way home around 3ish. I put her in bed and she slept til 6:30. By the time dad got home from work at almost 9, you wouldn't even have known we had the day we did.
Now all kidlets are tucked away in their cozy beds, Jeff is chatting with his girlfriend, Husband is watching some NASCAR program, and you know what I'm doing. ;o)
I just can't wait til tomorrow! "It's not where we are going, but how we get there" -Gina
Holy Smokes!! You have to be wiped out! The vomitting part would have been the end for me! I was doing that last week and Bobby had to hose down the driveway because I couldn't make it to the house!
Geez Louise! Was she vomiting from the pain? That's so strange how people process it differently. Glad to hear you didn't have poop on top of everything else! AND...of course, very glad to hear that she is feeling better. :)
Nana just called. She's running a 101.3 temp and she just threw up. ;o( She said when she went in to look on them napping, she was laying up against brother. AWH! He woke up for a second and put his arm around her and went back to sleep.
Awww, how cute is that! I was going to ask if she was better but looks like not. Have fun this weekend, hope she gets better! Give her a hug for me!
Aaaww, poor Missy. Is she better??
Not much keeps her down. ;o)
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