Silly boys were pretending to drive (can you tell?)
Did you know that every 20 minutes another child is diagnosed with autism? This has occurred in my family - TWICE.
Mister Millian was diagnosed in May of this year with high functioning autism (or "PDD" Pervasive Development Disorder). Since October of 2007 when I heard another mother's story, we started to treat Mister as if he already had a diagnosis. We changed his diet and started reading A LOT. We learned everything we could to help our baby not have meltdowns, be able to play with a group of kids without screaming (we are still working on this one ;o) SARRC has helped us understand how to work with Max and Lovey so that they can progress. Max is now potty trained thanks to SARRC. Autism Speaks sent me a "how to" guide. I couldn't believe it. Very thorough! Almost a checklist of what and how to go about this.
My oldest son, Jeff (Lovey), was also diagnosed with a spectrum disorder, ADHD. Please help us bring awareness and do everything possible to find a cure.
I am walking in the fight against autism at Walk Now for Autism, joining tens of thousands of other people united by a single cause and dedicated to raising money to find a cure for autism. The money raised at Walk Now for Autism supports Autism Speaks mission to finding the causes, effective treatments and a cure for autism through funding essential biomedical research. One in every 150 children is diagnosed with autism. Autism Speaks directs 75¢ out of every dollar raised to autism research, awareness and outreach.
My personal fundraising goal is $ 2,500. I am well on my way. Please help me reach my goal by making a donation. You can make a donation online using this link http://www.walknowforautism.org/arizona/personal/maxleland. You can also use the donation form located on my page to mail a check; please make checks payable to Cure Autism Now and mail to: Autism Speaks/Walk Now for Autism5455 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 2250Los Angeles, CA 90036
I would be overjoyed if anyone would be interested in walking and using their contacts to make a difference. If you'd like to join my team, please click on the "Team" link (Mister Millian) on my personal page and follow the links on the Team Page. (Or call me and I'll help you get started - super easy)
Thank you for taking an important step in the fight against autism.
Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Autism Speaks 501 (C)(3) Tax Id #: 20-2329938
MATCHING GIFT PROGRAM Many companies provide their employees with matching gifts. Please consult your employer on its matching gift guidelines and attach matching gift forms accordingly.
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