I woke from my afternoon percocet induced nap, to feeling a little warm. First I thought it was the toasty heating pad I had under my butt to relieve the pain of the siatic nerve in my right butt cheek. NOPE, that wasn't it. That was too easy of a fix.

I got up and looked at the thermostat thinking maybe when I was freezing my ass off earlier that morning, I may have turned it up too high. NOPE, that wasn't it either. Thermostat was set on 72. Temperature read 79! Oh shit! Not cool (pun intended)! It is about 250 degrees outside with approximately 90% humidity. Today is not the day for the air unit to go out.
(Oh and for all you Clevelandites that think I'm bitching about the heat... don't get me wrong. It is hot in the summer and you do other things, like SWIM. However, since having my vijayjay fixed, I CAN'T SWIM! Bummer for me.)
So today my job is to research SRP (electric co) new unit rebates along with Parker and Son coupons to try and get myself the least in debt as possible to replace 1 of our 2 air conditioning units (heat pumps).
I'm sure tomorrow will be something like the pool filter will explode, hmmm, maybe the roof will blow off, or something to that effect. ;o)
Wish me luck! Adios mi amigos! Dios esté con usted.
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