Mister had a busy day yesterday. He got to stay home with Mommy and go to see Mr. Aaron (his teacher) and Miss Connie (speech therapist).
Mister signing in with Miss Connie.
Max and Mr. Aaron. What a pair! I'm not sure who was more excited to see each other. Mister has been bugging me since summer vacation started. He's so excited to go back. He starts Monday. 12:45-3:15 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

Then, today, Daddy took Mister to work. They got up at 4:00 a.m. and snuck out trying very hard not to wake Missa or Mommy. Such good boys we have.
Mister had a great time.
Two more days and school starts. Jeff is going to be a Junior (OMG) and Mister is in his 2nd year preschool. I'm very proud of them both and looking forward to them both making great strides. Wish us luck and mention us every now and then in a prayer or two. I can use all the help I can get.
Love to all. Dios esté con usted.
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