Monday, December 29, 2008

An Autism Christmas

I shared Christmas dinner with some of my family this year. I cooked and had to ask my visitors to try and refrain from cologne and not to bring any snacks or Christmas goodies since we can't have those types of things around. It was an odd feeling to have to ask. Everyone understood, but still felt like a task. Another mom on one of my boards shared this Autism Night Before Christmas and I'd like to share it with my friends and family. Sometimes us moms of ASD kids feel very alone in our own extended families. Suggestions from people who just don't understand, denials about the link of most families, toys that are given to ASD kids that sometimes aren't appropriate. Christmas is all very ODD!

We are embracing Holland the best we can! Please help us enjoy Holland!
(If you don't understand, ask!)

Here's the poem.

Autism Night Before Christmas
by Cindy Waeltermann

Twas the Night Before Christmas
And all through the house
The creatures were stirring
Yes, even the mouse

We tried melatonin
And gave a hot bath
But the holiday jitters
They always distract

The children were finally
All nestled in bed
When nightmares of terror
Ran through my OWN head

Did I get the right gift
The right color
And style
Would there be a tantrum
Or even, maybe, a smile?

Our relatives come
But they don't understand
The pleasure he gets
Just from flapping his hands.

"He needs discipline," they say
"Just a well-needed smack,
You must learn to parent..."
And on goes the attack

We smile and nod
Because we know deep inside
The argument is moot
Let them all take a side

We know what it's like
To live with the spectrum
The struggles and triumphs
Achievements, regressions...

But what they don't know
And what they don't see
Is the joy that we feel
Over simplicity

He said "hello"
He ate something green!
He told his first lie!
He did not cause a scene!

He peed on the potty
Who cares if he's ten,
He stopped saying the same thing
Again and again!

Others don't realize
Just how we can cope
How we bravely hang on
At the end of our rope

But what they don't see
Is the joy we can't hide
When our children with autism
Make the tiniest stride

We may look at others
Without the problems we face
With jealousy, hatred
Or even distaste,

But what they don't know
Nor sometimes do we
Is that children with autism
Bring simplicity.

We don't get excited
Over expensive thing
We jump for joy
With the progress work brings

Children with autism
Try hard every day
That they make us proud
More than words can say.

They work even harder
Than you or I
To achieve something small
To reach a star in the sky

So to those who don't get it
Or can't get a clue
Take a walk in my shoes
And I'll assure you

That even 10 minutes
Into the walk
You'll look at me
With respect, even shock.

You will realize
What it is I go through
And the next time you judge
I can assure you

That you won't say a thing
You'll be quiet and learn,
Like the years that I did
When the tables were turned...... .

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

'Tis the Season to be CRAZY!

Ok, not really! Just trudgin' along, making the best of things. Max has started both Occupational and Speech therapies. We interviewed a possible Habilitation provider last night. She's very nice, older, and is looking to be a part of a child's life. I don't think she expected Max tho. lol When someone hasn't met him and has only seen his paperwork, they are quite surprised to find a very active, chatter box little kid. Keep in mind, Max's paperwork goes something like this:

~~ Diagnosed at 10 months old with Cerebral Palsy, obtained OT and Developmental therapies until age two. At two, Max added speech therapy to his schedule and mom suspected Autism. At 2 years, 9 months Max started East Mesa Early Childhood Education Center for Speech (severely delayed). At age 3 years, 7 months, Max was diagnosed with PDD-Nos (Pervasive Development Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified).~~

Everyone is expecting a child sitting in one place, staring off into space. LMAO! I love it when they don't get what they expect.
See the paperwork says nothing about starting biomedical treatments such as the GF/CF diet, or limiting preservatives, artificial colors and flavors; or adding vitamins and minerals to his diet. Now that Max is thriving in this environment, therapists and medicaid workers don't get what happened. I'm very proud of him! He's come a long way.
I may get really frustrated when I'm extremely tired (like lately), but ultimately he's my SNICKERDOODLE!
Here's a pic of this FINE looking couple who were spotted this past Saturday at the Carollo Christmas Party. (Oh, I mean the Carollo HOLIDAY Party!) Must be PC you know.

Dios esté con usted,


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ok ~ Here!

I have a lot to say, no time to say it and this pretty much sums it up.

Therapy has begun across the board, work is WAY busy, Christmas shopping, lots of church services, spiritual happenings, cooking, Christmas parties and hotel stays.

Tell me why again we are all sick? UGH!

Will blog more later. . .

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mister Millian - What a kid he is!

Mister Millian wanted to write his name on his cup insert. We have these no spill sippy cups that our speech therapist HATES! But keeps my carpet from being ruined. Anyway, I went to go help him today and he said "I can do it". So I let him do it.

He proceeded with "Mmmm, for Max; circle with a line on it, that's a "A" mommy; X; that spells Max".

I jumped, I squeeled, I kissed him all over! I was so proud of him. And he told me with words, every step of the way.

Good job Mister Millian! Mommy loves you!

So for those mom's out there that get discouraged . . . pay attention, pay close attention cuz when you least expect it; between wiping up the jar you dropped cuz you were in a hurry, toasting pancakes and cooking eggs, you may just miss your miracle.

Holland is grand!

God be with you,

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Autism ~ PDD-NOS (Pervasive Development Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified) ~ Asperger's ~ ADHD

All of these are "Autism Spectrum Disorders".

Those of you who have ADD or ADHD and think it's all in your head, think again.

Go to and read ~ ALOT!

When I talk to people about how I'm treating my family and I use words like "Gluten Free/Casein Free" or "Biomedical Treatments" or even simple terms like "vaccines". OMG, there is some glazing over going on.

People, Hellloooooo! This is my statement for the week:
"Reality IS NOT what you think it is" ~Gina

We are not treating Autism. We are treating vaccine injuries. These kids are physically sick and can get better. This isn't "curing" our kids. This is "Recovering" our kids.

Here's a list provided in the "Summary of Biomedical Treatments for Autism"
By James B. Adams, Ph.D. :

Treatment Order:
We have listed the various treatments in approximate order of what is typically recommended, but every child is different, and initial assessment by a physician may suggest a different order. Also, some physicians have their own preferences as to order of treatment. The key point to remember is to observe the effect of each treatment on your child, both behaviorally and through testing where possible.

This Summary includes the following sections:
• Improve Diet
• Food Allergies
• GFCF Diet
• Vitamin/Mineral Supplements
• High-Dose Vitamin B6 and Magnesium
• Essential Fatty Acids
• Gut Treatments
o Antifungals
o Probiotics
o Digestive Enzymes
• Amino Acids
• Melatonin
• Thyroid Supplements
• Sulfation
• Glutathione
• Chelation
• Immune System Regulation

Note: This summary is not intended as individual medical advice, and people should consult their physician for how to best treat their individual child. Autism is a spectrum disorder, and a treatment that helps one child may not help others.

PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL SPECTRUM DISORDERS AND CHRONIC DISEASES CAN GET BETTER WITH removing preservatives, and artificial colors and flavors from your diet. Regardless of the gf/cf diet.


Dios esté con usted,

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

WHAT? No more Lipstick Jungle? What will I do with no Kirby?

Ok, I have plenty of important things to blog about. 1. We have a household visitor who has appeared. 2. Autism Research Institute and common vocabulary words; and now this. OMG!

I was having a just average "office" conversation with Susan when she says something about Lipstick Jungle being cancelled. I turn and give her the "omg jaw drop" look. "NAH AH!" "Yes" she says. I'm still in denial so I googled.

Ok, there is a petition that can be signed. Even if you don't watch this show, will you please sign the petition for ME! ;o) I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SHOW! I don't care what day it is on or even what time. I have DVR that takes care of all those details. I just hit the "List" button and see what's next for me to peruse!

Click this link and sign the petition ~ PLEASE! I promise I will blog later about Nos. 1 and 2 above. ;o)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Our Goodie Box Arrived!

We received our box of goodies from ASU Vitamin/Mineral Study. Talk about thick, yucky tasting supplements. I explained to Mister that he is going to take these vitamins when he eats, everyday for awhile and they will hopefully make him feel better. See Mister has some gastrointestinal discomfort with associated tummy aches. He is also in need of added zinc, magnesium, B vitamins and a series of other vitamins and minerals.

For those of you who haven't read my blog yet. . .

Biomedical treatments ARE helping kids with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders). Biomedical treatments could be supplements, diet, HBOT, Chelation... it goes on.

I chose to start both my boys with diet first (GF/CF) and it made a HUGE difference. Max now talks! He still tantrums and he still has to have everything HIS way, but it's more tolerable. Lovey is SOOOO much clearer. Actually a bit social these days.

A couple of months ago, I started Lovey on minor supplements. We are chosing a DAN! Doctor right now but will get him started VERY SOON. Mister on the other had was approved for this Vitamin/Mineral Study and I can't do any other treatments until the study is over. Hopefully we've received the REAL stuff, not the placebo and he'll benefit real soon.

I won't feed my babies anything unless I taste it first. OMG this supplement is HORRID! But chosing to be honest seems to be the best for Max. I just told him straight up and he was like "OK Mom!" ;o) Whew!

Wish us luck! Everyone have a fabulous Thanksgiving!

My thankfulness this year goes out to all the mom's who have helped me this past few months navigate very scary territory; and of course to the best damn family in the west ~ MINE! ;o)

Dios esté con usted,

Monday, November 24, 2008

Wow! Not much else can be said!

My brother-in-law shared this:
This was at Texas Tech University Basketball game. The National Anthem is sung by five young ladies. You have never heard it performed better than this! An entire arena remains completely silent throughout the song. You could hear a pin drop. Take a moment to listen to this. Trust me, you will not regret it.

The two young ladies on the right are six years old. The two in the middle are seven and the one on the left is eight.

Friday, November 21, 2008

On the Provider Hunt!

Here's a very interesting thing. Max goes to daycare 3 days a week. His daycare provider, if interested, could get certified and get paid by DDD (state) for the time she already spends with my precious child.

If anyone out there knows of a younger person looking to work with children (Max), please let me know. AZA United can hire you on as an employee (a Habilitation or Respite Provider). I have a couple of prospects in mind. So we'll see.

I lost my Support Coordinator today. ;o( He's an awesome man who went to bat for families out there that really need the assistance. Some organizations feel empowered to just deny benefits without even knowing or understanding why the family asked for services in the first place. Well our Abdi is moving his employment location to Gilbert. I'm sad, but we'll keep him as a friend anyway. ;o)

I've been over my head with Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy; Habilitation and Respit provider lists. OMGosh this could take me forever to put together a weekly plan. Please pray for me to know when a provider is right for Max. There are sooo many to chose from.

The holidays are creeping up on us. I've been extremely busy with Stewardship, Weekly bulletins, work, planning weekend trips, cooking and now therapy providers. Just in case I don't get to blog in the next week or so. I'd like to wish Max's Kuma a Happy Happy Birthday! God bless you and thank you for being my friend and my sounding board. We all love you and wish a fabulous day and coming year. MUAH! XOXO

God be with you,

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Quick post of reminders!

For the new "Moms" out there. Don't forget:

1. Generation Rescue to find a rescue angel in your city.
2. Autism Research Institute
3. Food Sensitivity Tests

AZ based:
1. AzEIP (for kids under 3, get them started right away)

Please don't forget, the faster you start to heal your baby, the healthier they are and the farther out of that dark world they come.


Read about Vaccines:

Read a Biomedical Summary:

Dios esté con usted,

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sympathetic Jurys MY ASS!

Those parents were smart enough to document every tiny little thing I'm sure.

My Jeff received his MMR at 4 years, 3 months, shortly thereafter started 105 temperatures also. Just like Melissa's Dane did. Jeff then started seizures and was diagnosed with Epilepsy. There is a statistic, but it has slipped my mind right now, of the percentage of Autistic children who have seizures. Unfortunately for Jeff, his Mama was diagnosed with Epilepsy, he was treated and left to fend for himself. This was during the "ritalin" days when that's all doctors did. This kid has ADD or ADHD, here give him this. My boy was one of those "1990's" kids who slipped thru the cracks. Thankfully his Mama had seen some bad shit happen with ritalin and wasn't about to let anyone tell her otherwise.

If it weren't for his little brother who regressed at 15 months old immediately following his MMR and Varicella, the pieces of Bobo's puzzle would never have been found.

I would like to say "Reality isn't what you think it is and don't always believe your doctor. They are not God, they do not always have the answers. THEY ARE PRACTICING!"

That's my soapbox for the day.

As a small update to our craziness. . .
My boys are getting better every day!

Las gracias estén a dios,

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Don't get to talk about the man in my life. . .

Alot of times, Dad takes second fiddle to the kids, but not this time! My DH is an awesome Dad, terrific husband and a wonderful friend. He's the reason my kids are as grounded as the are. Lord knows they didn't get it from me.

Besides the fact that he grocery shops, takes care of kids without whining, volunteers to go home early to retrieve kids from the sitter who last minute claims "IT'S A HOLIDAY". He actually works! He has a whole other life besides us!

Mike took reprieve from working on the newest addition to the Phoenix Metro Area, the Valley Metro Light Rail Transit System, about a year ago and went to work for another contractor. A worldwide contractor, M.A. Mortenson. He was quite impressed from the git-go with the company's morals, training, safety, and basic work practices.

He started working on the Dodger's/White Sox Spring Training Facility with a new bunch of guys. Well, I should elaborate on the fact that when he left that "other" company, he took a few friends along for the ride. That's what every good Senior Sup. does! STEALS THE GOOD ONES!

Here's a link to the progress they are making. I'm very proud of him for the accomplishments he's made with work and for all that he's taken on at home (including me). ;o)

Love you Honey!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Boo to You!

I know I've blogged without sharing our Halloween pics. I apologize. So here we go.

So instead of Trick-or-Treating, we went to Uncle Ron and Aunt Dara's block party. They had a bouncy thing for the kids and hung out with some neighbors. We went to a few houses but just to get it out of their systems.

Halloween this year had a small twist. My DH and I were on a mission to obtain the least amount of candy as humanly possible. We prompted the kids a few days in advance that the Halloween Fairy would be coming to pick up their candy to give it to other children who don't get any and leave them a gift in return. Of course we needed a good reason to get them both bikes, so it was perfect. Daddy was on a mission to find a Lightning McQueen and Dora the Explorer bikes. YEAH for Daddy! He did GREAT!

Mister is doing fantastic on the bike and really needs no assistance besides getting it out of the garage. Missa on the other hand, she only wants to peddle backwards. See Daddy off in the distance? He's trying to explain to her the importance of peddling forwards.

So we got thru Halloween, we walked the event on Sunday and now we are in "PREPARE" mode for our first Dunes trip of the season. We haven't been camping since March. OMG, you'd think gas prices were too high or all our friends bailed on us or something. ;o) (Love to the Lee's!)
This is what our garage has looked like lately.

I'm not looking forward to the drive to CA for 4 hours in the truck with two fighting kids, but I am looking forward to a few rides with the fam.

Dios esté con usted,

Monday, November 3, 2008

In need of some assistance. . .

Well, my little Mister has been sleeping through the night! No, really! I swear, ask Mike!

He said he was scared in his room. So we put him in the bed in Marissa's room. She may be small, fiesty and his arch enemy during the day, but at night . . . she's Sister, Defender of Max from Scary Monsters. Whatever it is, it's working. Nana has put them to sleep in the same twin bed for oh, about a year now. I always thought she was nuts, cuz they wouldn't do it for me. Well, the time has come. He wants to sleep with sister.

Here's our dilemma! Not a huge dilemma, just a dilemma! I found this screaming deal on hardwood twin bed frames. Originally priced $609/each. I got them for $203/each. Great deal huh? I thought so! One catch, they aren't finished. Right now they are sitting in our garage waiting for either DH or myself to have a few hours to stain and polyurethane them. LMAO! My kids may sleep in these beds by the time they are adults ~ MAYBE!

Now that Mister wants to sleep with Sis, it is making this more of a priority since she's still in a crib (needs to go into the bed), Grandma Janeen is coming in December and will need the bed Mister is sleeping in. My DH, god love him, thrives off of taking care of us! All of us! He still hasn't figured out that he just isn't super human! There is no possible way he can get everything done, all of the time.

I'm asking for help! Anyone who may have just an afternoon to come stain the beds, or even just one bed. ANY help would be HUGE!

Because we have had minimal exposure to chemicals, I'm thinking we are going to have to let them dry for a couple weeks before we put them up. If anyone knows of any products that are more "green", please let me know.

Dios esté con usted,

Thursday, October 30, 2008

You go Matt!

Did anyone happen to see the Today Show (today Thursday, October 3oth)? Matt Lauer did the interview. Check it out!

For those of you who wouldn't have anyway of knowing what you are listening to. Thermisal (Mercury) has not been removed from all vaccines. Should you feel the need to vaccinate your child, ask to see "The Book". Doctors have a book of all meds with their ingredients. The MMR and Varicella is a big one. Varicella is the Chicken Pox vaccine. It still has Thermisal.

The DTAP is the Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis. This vaccine hasn't been much controversy, but should be.

1. Kids who may be prone to asthma (family history) could be at a higher risk. Read the study for yourself.

2. The tetanus portion of this shot still does contain Thermisal. I seen it for myself just last Monday.

3. And if they can find you a manufacturer that doesn't have Thermisal, read the part where it contains ALUMINUM instead.

Ok, what else. . . Oh yea, that Flu shot that they push, you know the one that never works because you get a different flu anyway. Yep, that one contains Thermisal too! NICE HUH?

So much for "they removed Thermisal in 1999". They just neglect to tell you that they removed it from "SOME" vaccinations. Do your own research, you have the right to know what you are giving your kids. Besides what's IN the shot, research what happens to your normal aquirring antibodies when you get vaccinations instead of the actual virus.

VACCINES ALONE DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM! I don't know this for sure, but what I do know is that they sure did contribute to my children's disabilities!

Here's something interesting to read:

God be with you,

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I must have MASSIVE angels!

For those of you who don't know me very well, I'm just starting to wake up! Literally, spiritually, emotionally, physically! I've trudged thru my life flying by the seat of my pants and hoping I don't find myself "SPLAT" face down somewhere.

Besides having my life consumed by biomedical research and keeping my head from blowing off from all the stress, I put together my church bulletin on a weekly basis. In my bulletin, I have the topic ~ "Thought for the Day". This thought comes from our diocese website Some days it's an interesting thought. Sometimes I'm moved and sometimes, I'm just not! Today I'm so slapped right in the face, that I'd like to share it with you all.

- Thought for the Day -
"Taking refuge in medical science does not preclude calling upon divine aid. That is, Christians, without rejecting medical aid, must pray that God enlighten the doctors to make the correct diagnosis, to proceed to the necessary tests, and to determine the appropriate therapy." -– Father Epiphanios Theodoropoulos
I think I'm going to take a break from biomedical research! Share some spooky halloween fun with the kids and just not worry about all that stuff.
I'm listening ~ I'm listening!
I heard it LOUD and CLEAR!
I will pray that God shows us the direction to take with finding the appropriate doctor. Please pray for this direction for us!

Dios esté con usted,

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We did it! We met DAN!

We learned so much! OMG! My head still hurts and I just don't know where to begin.


Don't ever let your doctor get away with "you have to vaccinate" or "there's nothing that can be done". I say BULLSHIT!

Kids are being recovered with biomedical treatments! Diet and supplements. These kids aren't suffering from something that happened to their brain and now you have to live with it. These kids are actually medically sick.

leaky gut
low immune systems (autoimmune disorders)
food sensitivities
chronic constipation and/or diarhea
fungal overgrowth (yeast)
metals toxicity

These are real medical issues that can be treated. So why is it that insurance companies cover $0 towards any treatments for autism? Bastards ~ They should be ashamed!

Here's a website for you guys to check out. Then tell me if there is anyone you know that wouldn't benefit from a better diet and supplements.

Dios esté con usted,

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What a week ~ Two adventures down, a couple more to go!

Well, last Saturday was the Zoowalk. We raised over $1,300 for Autism Research Institute and ASA - Greater Phoenix Chapter. I'm quite happy with the turn out and we aren't done. On

November 6th, Mortenson (the company my DH works for) is having a Health/Wellness Day at the office. They are actually having babysitting in the evening so the parents can go to the "insurance" meeting. During that event, their Stewardship committee is going to have a silent auction for the iPod I was raffling. See Mr. Aguero passed it back to challenge all Mortenson employees to boost the proceeds. What a guy! So we still aren't done with raising money for Autism Research.

On another note, this past weekend, Andy's daughter was in an ATV accident and is still in ICU. Please pray for Andy Aquero's daughter and their family.

Then, this past Monday was Lovey's birthday! 17 OMG! Here's his happy birthday song. Of course all you can hear is my horrible screechy voice because if I quit singing, everyone would quit singing. lol Enjoy!

Let's see. . . today is Wednesday, I'm sure I won't post until next week. My DH and I have decided to leave the kids at Nana's and we are headed to San Diego. We are going to a DAN! Conference. Defeat Autism Now! Autism Research holds these conferences so that doctors (DAN! Doctors) can get together and share information. Since Autism is a label for kids who have certain symptoms caused by certain illnesses; there are no medical doctors who get it. Unless a M.D. has been personally affected by Autism, they just really don't know. They think it is strictly a neurological, learning disability, not an injury.

So we are going to the conference Friday thru Monday. Until then, I have to make bread, pancakes, chicken and put together a care package to go to Nana's. Wheat Free, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Egg Free, Soy Free, no preservatives, no artificial colors or flavors.

I took Mister to his new pediatricians appointment this past Monday also. I just loved this. Dr. Kirit Patel is an Internal Medicine and Pediatric doctor. He's been my doctor for over 2 years. He's a great guy, likes me (which is hard to come by), and has small children himself. In I walk. . .he didn't know what hit him. I was armed with an agenda, information about studies conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics, and a list of treatments I wanted him to help me get covered! I think he probably hit the bar after our visit. Along with the nurses who first said "autism, really. He doesn't look autistic." I said "what does autism look like?" Within about 10 minutes, they figured it out while they were chasing him down the hall before he ran into the next patient room. I found it quite comical. He gave them a run for their money. I'm sure the nurses were pounding the brewski's right along with doc Patel.

1.5 hours later, he understood that my kids WON'T be vaccinated since vaccinations do still contain Thermisal (after of course I made him get his book of ingredients). He was actually quite shocked since he was told NO MORE THERMISAL. Just goes to show that doctors, even the good ones really don't know what they are giving their kids. He gave me a referral on the spot for a neurologist who can provide me with a script for HBOT. Ok, that one took him to his computer for a few minutes.

Something that has been bothering me. Eating at me actually! Gnawing and gnawing! There are sooo many pieces to this puzzle. And I keep hearing people say, "well, I don't have autism" or "why would gluten free/casein free, no preservatives work for me?" Ok, here it is. . . READY?

The food industry processes the hell out of food to the point where it has no decent nutritional value, which may I add would taste like crap if they didn't add back in all the artificial colors and flavors. Has anyone read about Monosodium Glutamate, how about TBHQ ( Once you do, say goodbye to chicken nuggets or any fast food for that matter. So the food industry makes all these easy to prepare, fast dinners, lunches, breakfasts, in pretty boxes and microwave save containers. After a few years of eating this crap, you think its just age causing your fibromyalgia and you go to the doctor. Guess what? If you'd just quit eating all the preservatives and fake stuff, you wouldn't have fibromyalgia or NEED A DOCTOR. So you go to the doctor, he gives you a presciption to cover your boo boo. In five years, you have high blood pressure, maybe cholesterol, diabetes, gets worse. . . heart disease, artery issues. Now you are on 5 more prescriptions to cover all the side effects from your previous meds.

So you all have seen that nicely dressed guy at your doctors office, you know, the one with the briefcase. Well he's waiting for your doc to negotiate how much doc gets paid from each prescription he writes for his company. It's a no wonder doc likes GlaxoSmithKline.

Ok, gets worse! Pediatricians get paid by insurance companies based on the percentage of their practice that is vaccinated with aluminum and mercury based products. NICE HUH? That would explain why the doctors say "but you HAVE to vaccinate your child". It is money in their pockets.

The American Academy of Pediatrics did a study in 1989 that determined that the mercury levels in vaccinations was too high, caused cases of autism (along with other issues) and they shouldn't be there. 1989! What year is this? And how many kids are sick? Just in case you don't know 1 in 150 children, 1 in 94 boys! Oh and the live Rubella virus that they give to the kids at 12 mos. old along with 3 other live viruses, that virus has been linked to cases of autism too. Ahyi yi! So the AAP knows of the link but has chosen to do nothing about it. I wonder if they'd like to spend a weekend in my house! Maybe financially care for just one kid on the spectrum.

There is a vicous circle of greed at our expense. Be smarter than that. Don't think that they wouldn't feed us something that would make us sick! YES THEY WOULD AND THEY DO!

Here's some food for thought and hopefully mine will make you healthy. We are all on the spectrum as long as we continue to eat the crap they produce. Don't think you are immuned to it just because you haven't been diagnosed with a spectrum disorder.

Love to all!
Dios esté con usted,

P.S. I worry horribly about my family! My entire family. Lots of heart issues, artery issues, diabetes, neurological issues. Autoimmune dysfunction. Lots of it. Colon issues! OMG, my father died of colon cancer. My mother has severe crohns disease. Cycle stops here! Babies who are born to families like ours are the ones paying. Don't give your child Tylenol before they go for their vaccinations, if you do chose to vaccinate. Tylenol lowers glutathiamine levels, then they blast them with live viruses that are known to cause autism. RESEARCH BEFORE VACCINES!

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Raffle Winner isssssss. . .

Mr. Andy Aguero, Superintendent at M.A. Mortenson had the winning ticket!

The raffle proceeds will benefit The Autism Research Institute (ARI)

The Autism Research Institute (ARI), a non-profit organization, was established in 1967. For more than 40 years, ARI has devoted its work to conducting research, and to disseminating the results of research, on the
triggers of autism and on methods of diagnosing and treating autism. We provide research-based information to parents and professionals around the world.

Autism Resource Call Center: 1-866-366-3361

We, the Vokoun Family, walked this morning in the Zoowalk to benefit ARI and ASA-Greater Phoenix Chapter.

If you wish to donate and you haven't yet, click on the link above. Feel free to donate LARGE SUMS OF MONEY. ;o)

We had a great time at the zoo, that was until Mister fell and skinned his knee. Then he didn't want to have anything to do with any animals. lol We rode the merry go round and came home. He's still not feeling well. He's napping peacefully now.

Thank you to all who helped us raise lots and lots of money for Autism Research Institute.

Dios esté con usted,
Gina, Mike, Jeff, Max and Marissa

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Week Mister Millian

Well, we had the well deserved birthday party this past weekend. His birthday isn't until this Wednesday, October 15th, but since his Bobo was going to be home and the Zoowalk is this weekend, we opted for the weekend before.

He had a blast! Well, really everyone had a blast. Check out the birthday pics on my flickr to the right. I just set it up, so be patient until I learn all it can do.

We've now been using better household cleaning products, and keeping most wireless items unplugged along with the microwave. We had our "ah ha" moment this past Friday. Lovey was home from school and plugged the microwave in to warm something up. Unfortunately, that's where the ADHD kicked in, he didn't unplug it or clean up after himself. Anyway, that night the babies where just HORRIBLE. Screaming, pushing, fighting like crazy. Saturday morning, same thing. I was thinking to myself, well, it wasn't the real thing apparently, cuz they are still at it. Must have been in my mind. Later that afternoon, I opened the cabinet above the microwave to get out my pot holders and noticed the microwave was plugged in. I about shit! That's when I talked to Lovey to realize he had plugged it in the day before. I immediately unplugged it and life has gone back to peaceful. My "ah ha" moment for the week.

This is going to be a busy week. For those of you who haven't heard. . . the Vokoun Family is now doing two walks.

Saturday, October 18th - Zoowalk for Autism Research Institute and ASA (Autism Society of American - Greater Phoenix Chapter)

Sunday, November 2nd - WALK NOW for Autism for Autism Speaks and SARRC.

I've raised over $2,800 to benefit the two separate organizations. Prof. James Adams, ASU, has accepted Mister Millian on his Vitamin/Mineral Study and we are very thankful and excited to get started.

Please feel free, if you haven't already, to donate to whichever charity you'd like. Supporting Autism Research Institute is much closer to our hearts. That's the reason why we decided to walk with them also.

Dios esté con usted,

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I did it! Don't know yet!

Well, call me crazy, but what do I have to lose? I removed 2 baby monitors and 1 cordless phone from my nightstand along with removing the base in the kids rooms.

Ever since we moved into our house, I haven't felt comfortable. My DH does alot to make me feel more at ease and just relaxed, but ultimately there has been something keeping me on edge whenever I'm in my house. The only time I feel comfortable is in my bed with the bedroom doors closed.

In the past, I've had people ask me if I have hair of knewt in my spice cabinet because I feel things, and see things prior to them happening. Not all the time, but enough to make me aware of the fact that it is just freakin' weird.

So when I started learning about all the energy stuff in my house and my kids responding to it, it just makes sense.

I unplugged my microwave 3 days ago. Kids have been napping since noon and it's 3:19. They haven't been AT each other as much. Its been much calmer in our house. Now whether I'm reading too much into it or its really happening. . .I DON'T CARE! It's happening!

I changed out all my cleaning products also. I'm going to give it a month. I met with "the mom" the other day and she if fully homeopathic. I'm not sure that's all for me, but alot of what she's said makes sense AND it's not the first time I've heard it. So, I'm giving it a month and we'll see.

Mister seems a little clearer the past couple of days! So who knows.

What are your thoughts on this subject? Do you think I'm crazy? Have you read anything? I'm up for conversation on the matter and eager to hear if anyone has tried doing these same things.

Dios esté con usted,

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hocus Pocus or the real thing? You decide!

There is a doctor here in town who can help heal my kids regardless of their diagnosis. He doesn't care what they were diagnosed with, just what their symptoms are and what they've been subjected to. All of us have symptoms. All of us are subjected to toxins, day in and day out. The lotion we put on in the morning to help us smell pretty, the fillings in our teeth, the preservatives that we eat (yuck), the chlorine bleach that we bleach our dirty stinky underwear and socks in; Oh I could go on an on.

How about all the wireless crap we have in our houses. Wireless internet, wireless phones, cell phones, wireless speakers. How bout cell towers. How close do you live to a cell tower. How about power lines, ooh, that's a tricky one. What happens if the power lines are underground. Are yours? Are they under your house?

So many questions, so much technology.

Well, this doctor and his friends will call them for topics of discussion are using a treatment process that I'm going to include a link to. Of course, would you expect anything else? ;o)

I'm meeting with an 8 year veteran tomorrow. She has a 10 year old son. I'm looking forward to picking her brain.

Stay focused! ;o)

Dios esté con usted,

If you can't grow it or kill it to eat it, DON'T!

Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm so happy I could SPIT!

WE GOT IT! We got Max's Long Term Care approval notice today. YEAH! WOOHOO Woo Woo Woo!

This means that the State of Arizona will cover Max for additional therapies. I can't wait! This means our lives will change immensely. Crazily I'm sure, but benefitting Mister.

I'm so excited for Mister Millian!

He starts a double blind vitamin/mineral study within the next week. If he receives the placebo, they will give him the real stuff once the study is over (12 weeks).

We are moving forward and he's doing GREAT!

We still needs some help with Lovey. State of Arizona could care less about ADHD even tho it is still an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Please pray for Lovey to find his mentor, friend, leader, someone that inspires him and he clicks. He still doesn't click and it isn't pretty. He will turn 17 next month. My time available to get him help is closing in.

Dios esté con usted,

Vaccines! Yikes!

No one will tell you that if your child has an egg sensitivity to not give them the MMR. Why don't doctors test for these things? I'd like to see a simple screening done to prevent our children who are more susceptible from becoming stricken with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Here's a link to Generation Rescue regarding vaccines. If you have toddlers or plan to in the future, please read all you can about vaccinations and don't accept "redness and soreness at injection site" as a side effect.

My family, we have 10 boys and most of them are on the spectrum. NICE! Thanks goes out to all the idiotic doctors and bureaucratic high horses who thought being vaccinated for Measles makes more sense than actually getting the virus, recovering from it and building the appropriate antibodies to fight off childhood cancers. Anyone know about the fact that when vaccinated with the measles vaccine, your body doesn't make the correct string of antibodies to fight off cancer? Just ask, I can give you many of studies to read with tiny little print.

Here's the link with suggestions for a healtheir vaccination schedule.

Dios esté con sus niños,

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pay it forward!

I have this group of women at church that are just as quirky in their dynamics as the "church lady" but they are a great bunch of women.

I have my "girl" friends who have kinda faded into my background at the moment, but I know are still there and love me (and I hope they know I love them too).

I also have this "anonymous" type of friend group (Yahoo Group) that are my "autism" world friends.

Without all these different groups of friends, I don't know where I'd be. Lonely, freakin' out, stressed! Everyone receives what we need from different people in our lives at different times. I just want to say THANK YOU to all the people who keep me ~ ME!

This overwhelming feeling to express myself came today when I discussed 3 separate times about food sensitivities, diet and how all that changed our lives. After watching Jenny on Oprah yesterday and my conversations today, I realized that's what I'm suppose to be doing ~ PAYING IT FORWARD.

DH just called, he's shopping at Sprouts! ;o) What a man!

Dios esté con usted,

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

RAFFLE - 8 GB iPod Nano

1 ticket = $5.00
5 tickets = $20.00

On November 2, 2008, our family will be participating in the Arizona Walk Now for Autism event. Proceeds from the Walk will help fund national research initiatives and local programs and services provided at the Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center's (SARRC) Campus for Exceptional Children.

Autism is now the most prevalent childhood developmental disorder in the United States, affecting 1 in every 150 children born today. More children will be diagnosed with autism this year than AIDS, diabetes, and cancer combined. In Arizona, every 72 minutes a child is diagnosed with autism. There is no known cause and no cure.

My two boys, Lovey and Mister (17 and 4 respectively) have both been diagnosed with a spectrum disorder. They are both very good boys, with big hearts, however, their disorders make it difficult for them to learn and make friends. This year we will all walk on November 2nd not only for our kids but for all the children on the spectrum. Please help us make our goal of $5,000 by donating generously before the Walk or by participating in my iPod Raffle.

Please make checks payable to Autism Speaks. All donations are tax deductible.

I also have a PayPal account, so if you'd like to purchase that way, just let me know how many tickets you'd like and I will issue an invoice.

Love to all,

Friday, September 19, 2008

Food Families

For those of you who haven't jumped on the "Whole Foods" diet yet. . .

I found a website that is pretty informative about food families. I found this because Mister can't have "mustard" and Lovey can't have "radish" and something was telling me that all the broccoli they eat isn't right. So, I finally looked it up to confirm my suspicions. Sure enough: broccoli, radishes and mustard are all in the "mustard" family. Ok, we are now very screwed. What green vegetables are left. Here's the list that's in the "mustard" family.

Mustard: Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery Cabbage, Chinese Cabbage, Collard, Colza Shoots, Kale, Kohlrabi, Kraut, Horse Radish, Mustard, Mustard Greens, Radish, Rutabaga, Turnips, Watercress. I will be sure to include this in my list of links on the right.

I'm looking for protein and calcium for my kids. GF/CF Any suggestions?

What the heck?

It's a clear day ~ with a tiny break through!

I'm not sure if my prayers are being answered, if our diet is helping, or if the moons were just aligned correctly, but. . .

Mister slept ALL NIGHT. Woohoo! He finally went down around 9:15 p.m. and I didn't hear from him again until almost 7 a.m. this morning. OMG, I slept all night long. Whew! He says "mommy I did pee pee and then went back to bed, all by myself". Now I don't know if he really did or he just never got up at all, but I really don't care. Hopefully, this will continue tonight.

Then, on our way to school to drop Lovey off, we got to a corner where we have to turn left. . .Lovey got this really concerned look on his face and says "mom, are you going to turn here?" For those of you who don't get it. . . Lovey couldn't get past Target 1/4 mile from our house. This was the first time EVER that he indicated he knew where to go. Not where he was, but "WHERE TO GO". There's a big difference. He is almost 17 years old. I wanted to cry right then and there, but he would of thought I was over reacting and being a blubbering idiot. So I refrained and thought about my blogging later instead. ;o)

So thank you god, thank you moon, thank goodness!
It's a good day!

Dios esté con usted,

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Back to work!

Back to work today. First day in 6 weeks. You know this whole work thing is getting in the way of my personal life.

Well, my mom pushed the button last night at 1:00 a.m. arizona time. YEAH, she finally pushed the button. $350/year for 3 years and she wouldn't ever push the button. Whew! A break thru! She's resting at Fairview Hospital. She had shortness of breathe which seems to be congestive heart failure. We are waiting for some tests to be completed and her doctors to see her. They put her on nitrogen (thats the stuff for heart attack right?), oxygen, and a water reduction pharmaceutical cuz she blew up like a balloon. She quit taking the one the doctor prescribed for her. She said it made her dizzy. Her blood pressure was 220 over 170something. OMG!

So, say a prayer for Jane! She needs it! Please pray for my sister Stephanie also. She has been sick for many years and needs all the help she can get! Thanks to all and wish me luck!

Dios esté con usted,

Friday, September 12, 2008

Whew! I'm brain dead!

Went to the WALK NOW FOR AUTISM kickoff luncheon today! Wow! Besides the fact that Autism Speaks and SARRC are raising millions of dollars to fund really really important research. . .

The people who get together and share their stories, the dad's that come and sit and listen, the mom's who are tripping over each other just to get their story heard. . .

OMG I'm brain dead!

I know I've said this time and time again, but WHAT THE HECK? What is going to happen when these 1 in 150 kids are adults? I'm scared to death.

Who's going to take Mister by the hand and make sure he gets to the next room where he is suppose to take on the next task? Who's going to make gluten free/casein free food for them because the flippin food industry are out to kill us? (In case you guys just jumped on my soap box, if the food industry made our food consumable to not cause harm, then we would be much healthier than we are and doctors wouldn't make as much money and be able to prescribe pharmaceutics.)

Who would care for my kids if something happens to Mike and I? This isn't a hypothetical question. This is a real question. Is there anyone of my friends or family up to the challenge?

I realized today when I went and sat in a room of 400 people who all knew exactly what my household goes thru that we (personally) are quite alone in this battle.

On a lighter note: Lovey may have gotten out of bed almost an hour after his alarm clock went off, but he was only 10 minutes past leave time. We were to school 15 minutes early! WOOHOO! Jesus was indeed walking with him this morning! I'm sure of it!

Tomorrow, St. Ignatius 6th Annual Golf Tournament to benefit our Building Fund. We have a very full mission who needs a new home. Please pray for us to do well so that we can expand into a larger facility.

Dios sea con usted mis amigos,

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today . . . seven years ago!

We all changed!

Let's never forget that horrible week (and on) where no one went outside, no planes flew, families wondered where their loved ones were. The silence that consumed everyone!

There are lots of angels watching over our country. Let's not forget them.

إلهة مع أنت

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Busy Week

Well Lovey had his appointment at the Melmed with Dr. Ruggiero. He said Lovey is most definitely on the spectrum with his OCD behaviors and his giftedness, but he wouldn't go as far as a diagnosis of Autism or Aspherger's.

He recommended Life Skills Coaching (which is probably what we'll do), general counseling, and/or anxiety medications if he's having issues with getting started on tasks because of anxiety. That is not a route I'm willing to take just yet.

Dr. Ruggiero indicated to Lovey that most 16 and 17 year olds are getting themselves out of bed, showering and being responsible enough to complete the morning activities. He has helped Lovey realize that he must master the short term goals before he can achieve the large ones. For those of us who are adults, one might think "DUH, what the heck?" But for Lovey and other teenagers (not on the spectrum), they see graduation coming and they just assume that when they get out, that dream will be fulfilled. So, Lovey's goal right now is to do all he needs to to get thru the 11th grade.

This morning, got up with his alarm (without me), got a shower, ran about 20 minutes behind but hey, it was only the first day. ;o) Work in progress right?

Here's another chance to make a difference. I know I may be hounding you, but that's my job. This is my blog! ;o) Friday is the Kickoff Luncheon for WALK NOW FOR AUTISM.

Love you guys,
Dios esté con usted,

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Summer colds SUCK!

Lovey and Missa started this sometime last week. Now, my turn. Why is it that the kids breeze through being sick and us parents get hammered on. I'm praying Mister doesn't get it. He's not the best patient!

We have a busy week this week. My last week off before heading back to the work force. Lovey has an appointment at the Melmed Center. I have my doctors appointment to release me and send my butt back to the grind, and the kickoff luncheon for WALK NOW FOR AUTISM.

Please, if you'd like to donate, go to my page and click "Make a Donation Online" or print the donation form from that page. Every dime we can earn for Autism research will be one dime closer to helping these kids.

You know what I was thinking about last night? 1 in 150 kids are diagnosed with autism. 1 in 94 boys. Does anyone else realize that we have a huge epidemic and a huge portion of the next generation who will be adults. What does that mean for the next and next generations? Where will all these kids go when their parents die off? Who will take care of them? Who will work at the jobs that exist today.

THIS IS HUGE! Hopefully soon, the government, food industry and pharmaceutical companies will get slapped in the face and realize they are all taking part in the fall of society.


That's my soapbox. ;o)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ok I must . . .

For those women out there who think dribbling in your drawers is normal ~ it's not!

I've learned a valuable lesson with Dr. Burton and my surgery experience. Women go thru a lot to have a child. God figured out a way to get a large child out of a woman's body, but he's lacking on the putting it back together part.

After having a baby, whether it be a large child (as my 3 were) or even a small child (as my niece, Tracy, produces), a woman's body is NEVER the same. Don't get me wrong, this was not my lesson learned. I learned that directly after my over 11 pounder was delivered almost 17 years ago.

The new lesson learned is that all the skin stretches and is not so elastic as you might think. It doesn't go back to the way it was. The clothlike fiber which is your support mechanism for your bladder and your rectal cavity, well those don't always stay so intact. Everyone is different, but still alot the same. Bladders tend to go for a dive and the next thing you know, you dribbled in your drawers. Women out there, I'm here to tell you, IT CAN BE FIXED.

Day 1 post surgery: Don't feel like I have to go at all. It is almost a new mindset to just know the different feeling it is to have to go. Pee-pee dance no more!

We are 5 weeks post surgery and looking forward to my doctors visit next week. Hopefully he will clear me. It is quite amazing what a doctor can do with a needle and thead. ;o)

I'm out,
Dios esté con usted,

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ok, I've been inspired again!

Every day we are challenged and the surprise and "life" of it all is not knowing what that next challenge may be or how we will step to the plate.

One of my many cousins, Nikol, commented on my "Monkey" post below. By the way, it was Nik and Mare who started me on all this blogging stuff. Thank you girls! It is one of my vices to date. ;o) Anyway, she got me thinking with her post. . .

So why are we so happy? Why do we feel so strong?

For us. . .

It's all about the humor! We laugh, we joke, we tease! We do snap and we do bicker! Don't get me wrong! Life in our house is one challenge after another. If it isn't "What are we going to feed these kids for dinner", or "why won't these teachers follow his IEP", or "what could he have eaten to send him over the edge", or "where do I go to find supplements", or "LONG TERM CARE?" OMGosh ~ we laugh! We have our moments when we are serious, but not often.

My DH (LOL Ok, I'm still laughing honey), he has a keen way of tapping into the good side. I get a bit intense and he levels me out and makes me laugh. Makes me realize that life is not about feeling sorry for yourself or whining about what you don't have. It's about living and being happy.

Happy isn't something that comes to you! Happy is what you are when you are!

Here I go again with my personal quotes: "It's not where we are going, but how we get there".

Dios esté con usted

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Ok, so I have cute kids.
These are some of our special moments.
Hope you enjoy!

Just in case you don't know. . .if you click on the pics, they get bigger. ;o)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Normal days are nice!

Well last night we had one heck of a storm. It was loud and flashy and the water came down like crazy. I love storms. There were just two reasons last night I was a little on the edge. See Mister doesn't like storms AT ALL. Thank goodness, he slept thru it or else I would have been up with him until it stopped. However, I was still up til almost 12:30 because Lovey went to the Judas Priest concert with his best friend, Brandon, another friend and Brandon's mom, Jennifer. They were on the other side of town and we texted a few times so I knew they were ok, but Lovey didn't take his keys. So I went to bed at 12:30 and Mister was up around 3:30 because he couldn't get his blankets straightened out. WHAT THE HECK! How do you teach a child to fix their own blankets? He literally comes out of his room and yells "Mommy" until I hear him and come to his rescue!

Rescue mission successful! Back to bed small child! Tucked him in, turned on his music and I'm sure he was fast asleep before I even hit the door. So much for mommy getting some shut eye!

Well today I've got some errands to run, a stop at the office, maybe some lunch with a coworker or two and back home to bake some bread and make more pancakes before picking up the terrorists by 5. Dang these kids can eat! Don't they ever stop? Jeez!

I wish all my "specials" a fantastic weekend and a million angels.
Dios esté con usted

P.S. for those of you who have been asking. . . I'm feeling fantastic. I'm down 44 lbs., into a size 10 (getting a little loose) and my brain says I'm recovered from surgery, but my vijayjay still tells me to sit my ass down. ;o)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Have I told everyone lately how wonderful . . .

my life is?

1. I have a very caring and understanding husband. He has been taking me out every Saturday night for a couple of weeks now. ;o) This Saturday we are going out too. We don't have any plans yet so I'm reaching out to all of you for suggestions. Not that we will do the things you suggest, but we might!

We are always up for company too. Getting out without the kids is a treat and we'd love to use that time to visit with friends if anyone choses to join us.

2. I have 3, very challenging, but cute kids. No matter how crazy our house gets because Mister has to have each and every toy in exactly the same place for every minute of every day; or because Missa wants to play with those toys; or Lovey is blaring his new Slipknot CD; they still manage to make me laugh and have so much love that I'm over flowing.

3. The dog and cats are actually starting to tolerate one another. They sit in the same room without fighting. ;o)

4. My house is starting to feel homey.

5. And I'm starting to get comfortable with people being in my house to help. Getting quite use to it actually. ;o)

Life is crazy! The best we can do is enjoy the craziness and accept that it is what it is.

Dios esté con usted

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Walk Now for Autism - November 2, 2008

Silly boys were pretending to drive (can you tell?)

Did you know that every 20 minutes another child is diagnosed with autism? This has occurred in my family - TWICE.

Mister Millian was diagnosed in May of this year with high functioning autism (or "PDD" Pervasive Development Disorder). Since October of 2007 when I heard another mother's story, we started to treat Mister as if he already had a diagnosis. We changed his diet and started reading A LOT. We learned everything we could to help our baby not have meltdowns, be able to play with a group of kids without screaming (we are still working on this one ;o) SARRC has helped us understand how to work with Max and Lovey so that they can progress. Max is now potty trained thanks to SARRC. Autism Speaks sent me a "how to" guide. I couldn't believe it. Very thorough! Almost a checklist of what and how to go about this.

My oldest son, Jeff (Lovey), was also diagnosed with a spectrum disorder, ADHD. Please help us bring awareness and do everything possible to find a cure.

I am walking in the fight against autism at Walk Now for Autism, joining tens of thousands of other people united by a single cause and dedicated to raising money to find a cure for autism. The money raised at Walk Now for Autism supports Autism Speaks mission to finding the causes, effective treatments and a cure for autism through funding essential biomedical research. One in every 150 children is diagnosed with autism. Autism Speaks directs 75¢ out of every dollar raised to autism research, awareness and outreach.

My personal fundraising goal is $ 2,500. I am well on my way. Please help me reach my goal by making a donation. You can make a donation online using this link You can also use the donation form located on my page to mail a check; please make checks payable to Cure Autism Now and mail to: Autism Speaks/Walk Now for Autism5455 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 2250Los Angeles, CA 90036

I would be overjoyed if anyone would be interested in walking and using their contacts to make a difference. If you'd like to join my team, please click on the "Team" link (Mister Millian) on my personal page and follow the links on the Team Page. (Or call me and I'll help you get started - super easy)

Thank you for taking an important step in the fight against autism.

Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Autism Speaks 501 (C)(3) Tax Id #: 20-2329938

MATCHING GIFT PROGRAM Many companies provide their employees with matching gifts. Please consult your employer on its matching gift guidelines and attach matching gift forms accordingly.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Why We Walk (for Autism)

Ok, I've been pondering this for sometime now and I really think I'm going to do it. I have so much on my plate but yet for some reason I'm so drawn to this Walk.

Walk Now for Autism is November 2nd in Tempe. I will be putting out lots and lots of information and asking you all for your support. I have realized that these kids get NO help except from organizations like SARRC (Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center), Autism Speaks, etc.

Just yesterday, I got off the phone with Mortenson's HR Rep who indicated to me that CIGNA has absolutely NO coverage for any type of therapy associated with Spectrum Disorders such as Autism, Aspergers, and ADHD. Without being approved by the State for services, this leaves the financial burden to rest on our shoulders.

PLEASE help us to make insurance companies, doctors, friends, neighbors, relatives, everyone more aware of the fact that these kids need constant attention in social skills, school work, simple daily tasks like tying shoes, eating breakfast, getting along well with others. These things don't come easy to a kid on the spectrum. Our kids on the spectrum.

Please ask your employers to match your contribution. Most companies would love to help out, they just need to be asked.

Again - PLEASE?????

Here's the link to AutismSpeaks "In your own words" by Jessica Wilson. Another mom who did a fantastic job of kicking me in the ass.

Monday, August 18, 2008

I suppose Bloggin is in order

Well, week 1 of school is over and we have jumped right into week two. Jeff is so far so good. He did already have a run in with Coach Cerqua. He has since dropped "Weight Training" and plans to take an online bowling class next semester for his PE credit. Thank god for online bowling.

Since I've been sitting home bored out of my mind, I have been catching up on making appointments for the kids and taking care of insurance STUFF. Jeff has an appointment at the Melmed Center on September 8th. I'm looking forward to finding some transitional help for him. We need all the help we can get. I've been discussing additional therapies for the boys with CIGNA. Ha. It's not pretty.

Mister has regressed a bit since mom and dad aren't as "routine" as Mr. Aaron and friends, but he's still doing well. I think he sprained his ankle yesterday so we've had it wrapped. I'm a little worried he may have his daddy's ankle/feet issues. Let's hope not. (sorry dad)

Missa, well, she's still the prettiest thing in the world. She may be psycho every now and then, but I still can't stop kissing her. ;o)

This morning when DH went out to get in his truck to head to work, he found that his work truck had been broken into. No damage and nothing stolen (wasn't anything to steal). Our neighbors car a window was broken and his briefcase and wallet were stolen. DON'T LEAVE VALUABLES IN YOUR CAR EVEN IF IT IS IN YOUR DRIVEWAY! Do I need to make that BOLD?

LOL I have something funny to tell you guys. My DH (LMAO) reads my blog to keep up on what happens at home. Sometimes we forget to talk about the big things. Anyway, JUST FOR THE RECORD. . . DH does not stand for Dickhead! Ok, I'm still laughing!

Oh, update on the air conditioner. . . $7,000 later, the new unit is going to be installed on Wednesday this week. We've been babying the existing unit and working it to the best of our abilities so we don't die of heat exhaustion.

That's all I got~Love to all~Dios esté con usted!

Monday, August 11, 2008

First day of school 2008-2009

Well, Mister is off and running. He wasn't a happy camper this morning, we don't know why. Then just before the bus came, he had an accident and had to wear the "back up shorts". Poor baby. I made it in the knick of time to get these pictures. I'm not sure who was more excited, Mister, me or his Nana. I should have taken a picture of her. Cry baby! lol

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rock-n-Roll Fantasy Camp

I would love to do this for Jeff. He would be freaked if it could happen. Check it out. What an experience it would be. I asked his dad if he had an extra $1,000. Funny, he hasn't answered me yet. Maybe he thought I was kidding. lol

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Where has the summer gone!

Mister had a busy day yesterday. He got to stay home with Mommy and go to see Mr. Aaron (his teacher) and Miss Connie (speech therapist).

Mr. Aaron asking the boys the question of the day. "Are you happy?" Yes, no or I'm not sure. ;o)

Mister signing in with Miss Connie.

Max and Mr. Aaron. What a pair! I'm not sure who was more excited to see each other. Mister has been bugging me since summer vacation started. He's so excited to go back. He starts Monday. 12:45-3:15 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

Then, today, Daddy took Mister to work. They got up at 4:00 a.m. and snuck out trying very hard not to wake Missa or Mommy. Such good boys we have.

Mister had a great time.

Two more days and school starts. Jeff is going to be a Junior (OMG) and Mister is in his 2nd year preschool. I'm very proud of them both and looking forward to them both making great strides. Wish us luck and mention us every now and then in a prayer or two. I can use all the help I can get.
Love to all. Dios esté con usted.

Larry King Live with Jenny McCarthy

Fun Stuff