Our entire fam damily took a trip to San Diego for 4 days and we took along Jeff's girlfriend, Jesse. We had a nice few days! Jeff has decided he absolutely hates the ocean. lol Poor kid. Jesse was out jumping in the waves all by herself and Jeff was standing FREEZING with wet clothes. One bit of information. . . if you are from Arizona, going to the beach in San Diego, no matter what month of the year, is FREEZING. Someone please remind me of this the next time we think we are going to go do something silly like take our kids to the ocean.

We went to Sea World, Missa loved to watch the shows, Mister loved to play with the water bottle. Go figure! He rode the roller coaster with dad and the water raft ride with mom. Whoda thunk it that this kid would stand in line for an hour. He did AWESOME! Daddy took Missa for some face painting. How very cute!

Saturday Jeff and Jesse, Me and Missa went to the San Diego Zoo. Dad and Mister went to see Uncle Shannon race in the CORR Series off-road race in Chula Vista. We all enjoyed our day. Then that evening we met up with one of Mike's cousins, Wendi; and her son Mikie for dinner. We were staying in Little Italy downtown so Wendi suggested Filippi's Pizza Grotto http://www.realcheesepizza.com/web/home/index.html. Ok, if anyone goes to San Diego and wants to know of a good Italian restaurant. Go there. It is on India Street in Little Italy. From the front door you think, this is a deli, I'm not going to carry my food out. But, it really isn't. It is a full sit down restaurant with the best damn sauce I've ever had. Their pasta was PERFECT. Take note: 1 entre will feed 4 people with a salad and bread. We didn't know that. Wasted alot of good food that night. Now we know. ;o)
We got home Sunday, did laundry, made bread, did some shopping to prepare for my recovery period and packed my bag for the hospital. Oh, lets not forget the liquid diet, Fleets and to top the cake my annual performance review. WHAT THE HECK? (All went well)
Kids spent the night at Nana's so we didn't have to wake them at 4:00 a.m. So bright and early Daddy and I were off to the hospital. Had my surgery, all was good. Had a few hours of "I'm going to smack that girl if she doesn't bring me drugs" moments, but we got past it.
Came home Wednesday mid day and have been resting ever since. One of my girlfriends, Heather, came over that evening to stay with us for a few days. She was an angel. I say "was" because she departed last night. She went home to her house clear on the other side of town. Sniff-sniff!
So, now I'm home for 5 more weeks to rest and heal. My kids are at their Nana's Monday thru Friday. Susan (my coworker) is holding down the fort at the office. I just want to say. We have alot of angels in our lives these days and we are so very thankful for each and every one of you.

Is there ever a dull moment? (NO, and we wouldn't haven't any other way)
Love to all,
1 comment:
I've been waiting for you to blog while you were resting! Good to hear that things are going ok! Keep up the rest and you will be back on your feet in no time!
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