Tuesday, December 16, 2008

'Tis the Season to be CRAZY!

Ok, not really! Just trudgin' along, making the best of things. Max has started both Occupational and Speech therapies. We interviewed a possible Habilitation provider last night. She's very nice, older, and is looking to be a part of a child's life. I don't think she expected Max tho. lol When someone hasn't met him and has only seen his paperwork, they are quite surprised to find a very active, chatter box little kid. Keep in mind, Max's paperwork goes something like this:

~~ Diagnosed at 10 months old with Cerebral Palsy, obtained OT and Developmental therapies until age two. At two, Max added speech therapy to his schedule and mom suspected Autism. At 2 years, 9 months Max started East Mesa Early Childhood Education Center for Speech (severely delayed). At age 3 years, 7 months, Max was diagnosed with PDD-Nos (Pervasive Development Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified).~~

Everyone is expecting a child sitting in one place, staring off into space. LMAO! I love it when they don't get what they expect.
See the paperwork says nothing about starting biomedical treatments such as the GF/CF diet, or limiting preservatives, artificial colors and flavors; or adding vitamins and minerals to his diet. Now that Max is thriving in this environment, therapists and medicaid workers don't get what happened. I'm very proud of him! He's come a long way.
I may get really frustrated when I'm extremely tired (like lately), but ultimately he's my SNICKERDOODLE!
Here's a pic of this FINE looking couple who were spotted this past Saturday at the Carollo Christmas Party. (Oh, I mean the Carollo HOLIDAY Party!) Must be PC you know.

Dios esté con usted,



Anonymous said...

this is a great picture of you two! Glad to hear how good Max is doing!

Anonymous said...

Great picture! You two look snazzy!

Anonymous said...

hi there friend!!

sorry been so long since we last chatted - life is crazy here as well...jsut got hime from Cali - UC Irvine seeing a metabolic & mitochondrial specialist & his team....

anyways - glad to hear little man is doing so well!!

Hope to cathc up with you soon...

Gina B.

Larry King Live with Jenny McCarthy

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