Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Our Goodie Box Arrived!

We received our box of goodies from ASU Vitamin/Mineral Study. Talk about thick, yucky tasting supplements. I explained to Mister that he is going to take these vitamins when he eats, everyday for awhile and they will hopefully make him feel better. See Mister has some gastrointestinal discomfort with associated tummy aches. He is also in need of added zinc, magnesium, B vitamins and a series of other vitamins and minerals.

For those of you who haven't read my blog yet. . .

Biomedical treatments ARE helping kids with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders). Biomedical treatments could be supplements, diet, HBOT, Chelation... it goes on.

I chose to start both my boys with diet first (GF/CF) and it made a HUGE difference. Max now talks! He still tantrums and he still has to have everything HIS way, but it's more tolerable. Lovey is SOOOO much clearer. Actually a bit social these days.

A couple of months ago, I started Lovey on minor supplements. We are chosing a DAN! Doctor right now but will get him started VERY SOON. Mister on the other had was approved for this Vitamin/Mineral Study and I can't do any other treatments until the study is over. Hopefully we've received the REAL stuff, not the placebo and he'll benefit real soon.

I won't feed my babies anything unless I taste it first. OMG this supplement is HORRID! But chosing to be honest seems to be the best for Max. I just told him straight up and he was like "OK Mom!" ;o) Whew!

Wish us luck! Everyone have a fabulous Thanksgiving!

My thankfulness this year goes out to all the mom's who have helped me this past few months navigate very scary territory; and of course to the best damn family in the west ~ MINE! ;o)

Dios esté con usted,

Monday, November 24, 2008

Wow! Not much else can be said!

My brother-in-law shared this:
This was at Texas Tech University Basketball game. The National Anthem is sung by five young ladies. You have never heard it performed better than this! An entire arena remains completely silent throughout the song. You could hear a pin drop. Take a moment to listen to this. Trust me, you will not regret it.

The two young ladies on the right are six years old. The two in the middle are seven and the one on the left is eight.

Friday, November 21, 2008

On the Provider Hunt!

Here's a very interesting thing. Max goes to daycare 3 days a week. His daycare provider, if interested, could get certified and get paid by DDD (state) for the time she already spends with my precious child.

If anyone out there knows of a younger person looking to work with children (Max), please let me know. AZA United can hire you on as an employee (a Habilitation or Respite Provider). I have a couple of prospects in mind. So we'll see.

I lost my Support Coordinator today. ;o( He's an awesome man who went to bat for families out there that really need the assistance. Some organizations feel empowered to just deny benefits without even knowing or understanding why the family asked for services in the first place. Well our Abdi is moving his employment location to Gilbert. I'm sad, but we'll keep him as a friend anyway. ;o)

I've been over my head with Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy; Habilitation and Respit provider lists. OMGosh this could take me forever to put together a weekly plan. Please pray for me to know when a provider is right for Max. There are sooo many to chose from.

The holidays are creeping up on us. I've been extremely busy with Stewardship, Weekly bulletins, work, planning weekend trips, cooking and now therapy providers. Just in case I don't get to blog in the next week or so. I'd like to wish Max's Kuma a Happy Happy Birthday! God bless you and thank you for being my friend and my sounding board. We all love you and wish a fabulous day and coming year. MUAH! XOXO

God be with you,

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Quick post of reminders!

For the new "Moms" out there. Don't forget:

1. Generation Rescue to find a rescue angel in your city.
2. Autism Research Institute
3. Food Sensitivity Tests

AZ based:
1. AzEIP (for kids under 3, get them started right away)

Please don't forget, the faster you start to heal your baby, the healthier they are and the farther out of that dark world they come.


Read about Vaccines:

Read a Biomedical Summary:

Dios esté con usted,

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sympathetic Jurys MY ASS!

Those parents were smart enough to document every tiny little thing I'm sure.

My Jeff received his MMR at 4 years, 3 months, shortly thereafter started 105 temperatures also. Just like Melissa's Dane did. Jeff then started seizures and was diagnosed with Epilepsy. There is a statistic, but it has slipped my mind right now, of the percentage of Autistic children who have seizures. Unfortunately for Jeff, his Mama was diagnosed with Epilepsy, he was treated and left to fend for himself. This was during the "ritalin" days when that's all doctors did. This kid has ADD or ADHD, here give him this. My boy was one of those "1990's" kids who slipped thru the cracks. Thankfully his Mama had seen some bad shit happen with ritalin and wasn't about to let anyone tell her otherwise.

If it weren't for his little brother who regressed at 15 months old immediately following his MMR and Varicella, the pieces of Bobo's puzzle would never have been found.

I would like to say "Reality isn't what you think it is and don't always believe your doctor. They are not God, they do not always have the answers. THEY ARE PRACTICING!"

That's my soapbox for the day.

As a small update to our craziness. . .
My boys are getting better every day!

Las gracias estén a dios,

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Don't get to talk about the man in my life. . .

Alot of times, Dad takes second fiddle to the kids, but not this time! My DH is an awesome Dad, terrific husband and a wonderful friend. He's the reason my kids are as grounded as the are. Lord knows they didn't get it from me.

Besides the fact that he grocery shops, takes care of kids without whining, volunteers to go home early to retrieve kids from the sitter who last minute claims "IT'S A HOLIDAY". He actually works! He has a whole other life besides us!

Mike took reprieve from working on the newest addition to the Phoenix Metro Area, the Valley Metro Light Rail Transit System, about a year ago and went to work for another contractor. A worldwide contractor, M.A. Mortenson. He was quite impressed from the git-go with the company's morals, training, safety, and basic work practices.

He started working on the Dodger's/White Sox Spring Training Facility with a new bunch of guys. Well, I should elaborate on the fact that when he left that "other" company, he took a few friends along for the ride. That's what every good Senior Sup. does! STEALS THE GOOD ONES!

Here's a link to the progress they are making. I'm very proud of him for the accomplishments he's made with work and for all that he's taken on at home (including me). ;o)

Love you Honey!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Boo to You!

I know I've blogged without sharing our Halloween pics. I apologize. So here we go.

So instead of Trick-or-Treating, we went to Uncle Ron and Aunt Dara's block party. They had a bouncy thing for the kids and hung out with some neighbors. We went to a few houses but just to get it out of their systems.

Halloween this year had a small twist. My DH and I were on a mission to obtain the least amount of candy as humanly possible. We prompted the kids a few days in advance that the Halloween Fairy would be coming to pick up their candy to give it to other children who don't get any and leave them a gift in return. Of course we needed a good reason to get them both bikes, so it was perfect. Daddy was on a mission to find a Lightning McQueen and Dora the Explorer bikes. YEAH for Daddy! He did GREAT!

Mister is doing fantastic on the bike and really needs no assistance besides getting it out of the garage. Missa on the other hand, she only wants to peddle backwards. See Daddy off in the distance? He's trying to explain to her the importance of peddling forwards.

So we got thru Halloween, we walked the event on Sunday and now we are in "PREPARE" mode for our first Dunes trip of the season. We haven't been camping since March. OMG, you'd think gas prices were too high or all our friends bailed on us or something. ;o) (Love to the Lee's!)
This is what our garage has looked like lately.

I'm not looking forward to the drive to CA for 4 hours in the truck with two fighting kids, but I am looking forward to a few rides with the fam.

Dios esté con usted,

Monday, November 3, 2008

In need of some assistance. . .

Well, my little Mister has been sleeping through the night! No, really! I swear, ask Mike!

He said he was scared in his room. So we put him in the bed in Marissa's room. She may be small, fiesty and his arch enemy during the day, but at night . . . she's Sister, Defender of Max from Scary Monsters. Whatever it is, it's working. Nana has put them to sleep in the same twin bed for oh, about a year now. I always thought she was nuts, cuz they wouldn't do it for me. Well, the time has come. He wants to sleep with sister.

Here's our dilemma! Not a huge dilemma, just a dilemma! I found this screaming deal on hardwood twin bed frames. Originally priced $609/each. I got them for $203/each. Great deal huh? I thought so! One catch, they aren't finished. Right now they are sitting in our garage waiting for either DH or myself to have a few hours to stain and polyurethane them. LMAO! My kids may sleep in these beds by the time they are adults ~ MAYBE!

Now that Mister wants to sleep with Sis, it is making this more of a priority since she's still in a crib (needs to go into the bed), Grandma Janeen is coming in December and will need the bed Mister is sleeping in. My DH, god love him, thrives off of taking care of us! All of us! He still hasn't figured out that he just isn't super human! There is no possible way he can get everything done, all of the time.

I'm asking for help! Anyone who may have just an afternoon to come stain the beds, or even just one bed. ANY help would be HUGE!

Because we have had minimal exposure to chemicals, I'm thinking we are going to have to let them dry for a couple weeks before we put them up. If anyone knows of any products that are more "green", please let me know.

Dios esté con usted,

Larry King Live with Jenny McCarthy

Fun Stuff