Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Our Goodie Box Arrived!

We received our box of goodies from ASU Vitamin/Mineral Study. Talk about thick, yucky tasting supplements. I explained to Mister that he is going to take these vitamins when he eats, everyday for awhile and they will hopefully make him feel better. See Mister has some gastrointestinal discomfort with associated tummy aches. He is also in need of added zinc, magnesium, B vitamins and a series of other vitamins and minerals.

For those of you who haven't read my blog yet. . .

Biomedical treatments ARE helping kids with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders). Biomedical treatments could be supplements, diet, HBOT, Chelation... it goes on.

I chose to start both my boys with diet first (GF/CF) and it made a HUGE difference. Max now talks! He still tantrums and he still has to have everything HIS way, but it's more tolerable. Lovey is SOOOO much clearer. Actually a bit social these days.

A couple of months ago, I started Lovey on minor supplements. We are chosing a DAN! Doctor right now but will get him started VERY SOON. Mister on the other had was approved for this Vitamin/Mineral Study and I can't do any other treatments until the study is over. Hopefully we've received the REAL stuff, not the placebo and he'll benefit real soon.

I won't feed my babies anything unless I taste it first. OMG this supplement is HORRID! But chosing to be honest seems to be the best for Max. I just told him straight up and he was like "OK Mom!" ;o) Whew!

Wish us luck! Everyone have a fabulous Thanksgiving!

My thankfulness this year goes out to all the mom's who have helped me this past few months navigate very scary territory; and of course to the best damn family in the west ~ MINE! ;o)

Dios esté con usted,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so glad to hear this! I hope he gets the real stuff too. Did they say that it would take so much time for the vitamins to get into his system or should you notice a difference right away?

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