Friday, November 21, 2008

On the Provider Hunt!

Here's a very interesting thing. Max goes to daycare 3 days a week. His daycare provider, if interested, could get certified and get paid by DDD (state) for the time she already spends with my precious child.

If anyone out there knows of a younger person looking to work with children (Max), please let me know. AZA United can hire you on as an employee (a Habilitation or Respite Provider). I have a couple of prospects in mind. So we'll see.

I lost my Support Coordinator today. ;o( He's an awesome man who went to bat for families out there that really need the assistance. Some organizations feel empowered to just deny benefits without even knowing or understanding why the family asked for services in the first place. Well our Abdi is moving his employment location to Gilbert. I'm sad, but we'll keep him as a friend anyway. ;o)

I've been over my head with Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy; Habilitation and Respit provider lists. OMGosh this could take me forever to put together a weekly plan. Please pray for me to know when a provider is right for Max. There are sooo many to chose from.

The holidays are creeping up on us. I've been extremely busy with Stewardship, Weekly bulletins, work, planning weekend trips, cooking and now therapy providers. Just in case I don't get to blog in the next week or so. I'd like to wish Max's Kuma a Happy Happy Birthday! God bless you and thank you for being my friend and my sounding board. We all love you and wish a fabulous day and coming year. MUAH! XOXO

God be with you,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh thanks! I am actually having a good day for turning 55!! I am on this side of the dirt, and that's a good thing! I hope you find the right provider for Max, I will pray hard!!!

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