Friday, August 29, 2008

Normal days are nice!

Well last night we had one heck of a storm. It was loud and flashy and the water came down like crazy. I love storms. There were just two reasons last night I was a little on the edge. See Mister doesn't like storms AT ALL. Thank goodness, he slept thru it or else I would have been up with him until it stopped. However, I was still up til almost 12:30 because Lovey went to the Judas Priest concert with his best friend, Brandon, another friend and Brandon's mom, Jennifer. They were on the other side of town and we texted a few times so I knew they were ok, but Lovey didn't take his keys. So I went to bed at 12:30 and Mister was up around 3:30 because he couldn't get his blankets straightened out. WHAT THE HECK! How do you teach a child to fix their own blankets? He literally comes out of his room and yells "Mommy" until I hear him and come to his rescue!

Rescue mission successful! Back to bed small child! Tucked him in, turned on his music and I'm sure he was fast asleep before I even hit the door. So much for mommy getting some shut eye!

Well today I've got some errands to run, a stop at the office, maybe some lunch with a coworker or two and back home to bake some bread and make more pancakes before picking up the terrorists by 5. Dang these kids can eat! Don't they ever stop? Jeez!

I wish all my "specials" a fantastic weekend and a million angels.
Dios esté con usted

P.S. for those of you who have been asking. . . I'm feeling fantastic. I'm down 44 lbs., into a size 10 (getting a little loose) and my brain says I'm recovered from surgery, but my vijayjay still tells me to sit my ass down. ;o)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Have I told everyone lately how wonderful . . .

my life is?

1. I have a very caring and understanding husband. He has been taking me out every Saturday night for a couple of weeks now. ;o) This Saturday we are going out too. We don't have any plans yet so I'm reaching out to all of you for suggestions. Not that we will do the things you suggest, but we might!

We are always up for company too. Getting out without the kids is a treat and we'd love to use that time to visit with friends if anyone choses to join us.

2. I have 3, very challenging, but cute kids. No matter how crazy our house gets because Mister has to have each and every toy in exactly the same place for every minute of every day; or because Missa wants to play with those toys; or Lovey is blaring his new Slipknot CD; they still manage to make me laugh and have so much love that I'm over flowing.

3. The dog and cats are actually starting to tolerate one another. They sit in the same room without fighting. ;o)

4. My house is starting to feel homey.

5. And I'm starting to get comfortable with people being in my house to help. Getting quite use to it actually. ;o)

Life is crazy! The best we can do is enjoy the craziness and accept that it is what it is.

Dios esté con usted

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Walk Now for Autism - November 2, 2008

Silly boys were pretending to drive (can you tell?)

Did you know that every 20 minutes another child is diagnosed with autism? This has occurred in my family - TWICE.

Mister Millian was diagnosed in May of this year with high functioning autism (or "PDD" Pervasive Development Disorder). Since October of 2007 when I heard another mother's story, we started to treat Mister as if he already had a diagnosis. We changed his diet and started reading A LOT. We learned everything we could to help our baby not have meltdowns, be able to play with a group of kids without screaming (we are still working on this one ;o) SARRC has helped us understand how to work with Max and Lovey so that they can progress. Max is now potty trained thanks to SARRC. Autism Speaks sent me a "how to" guide. I couldn't believe it. Very thorough! Almost a checklist of what and how to go about this.

My oldest son, Jeff (Lovey), was also diagnosed with a spectrum disorder, ADHD. Please help us bring awareness and do everything possible to find a cure.

I am walking in the fight against autism at Walk Now for Autism, joining tens of thousands of other people united by a single cause and dedicated to raising money to find a cure for autism. The money raised at Walk Now for Autism supports Autism Speaks mission to finding the causes, effective treatments and a cure for autism through funding essential biomedical research. One in every 150 children is diagnosed with autism. Autism Speaks directs 75¢ out of every dollar raised to autism research, awareness and outreach.

My personal fundraising goal is $ 2,500. I am well on my way. Please help me reach my goal by making a donation. You can make a donation online using this link You can also use the donation form located on my page to mail a check; please make checks payable to Cure Autism Now and mail to: Autism Speaks/Walk Now for Autism5455 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 2250Los Angeles, CA 90036

I would be overjoyed if anyone would be interested in walking and using their contacts to make a difference. If you'd like to join my team, please click on the "Team" link (Mister Millian) on my personal page and follow the links on the Team Page. (Or call me and I'll help you get started - super easy)

Thank you for taking an important step in the fight against autism.

Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Autism Speaks 501 (C)(3) Tax Id #: 20-2329938

MATCHING GIFT PROGRAM Many companies provide their employees with matching gifts. Please consult your employer on its matching gift guidelines and attach matching gift forms accordingly.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Why We Walk (for Autism)

Ok, I've been pondering this for sometime now and I really think I'm going to do it. I have so much on my plate but yet for some reason I'm so drawn to this Walk.

Walk Now for Autism is November 2nd in Tempe. I will be putting out lots and lots of information and asking you all for your support. I have realized that these kids get NO help except from organizations like SARRC (Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center), Autism Speaks, etc.

Just yesterday, I got off the phone with Mortenson's HR Rep who indicated to me that CIGNA has absolutely NO coverage for any type of therapy associated with Spectrum Disorders such as Autism, Aspergers, and ADHD. Without being approved by the State for services, this leaves the financial burden to rest on our shoulders.

PLEASE help us to make insurance companies, doctors, friends, neighbors, relatives, everyone more aware of the fact that these kids need constant attention in social skills, school work, simple daily tasks like tying shoes, eating breakfast, getting along well with others. These things don't come easy to a kid on the spectrum. Our kids on the spectrum.

Please ask your employers to match your contribution. Most companies would love to help out, they just need to be asked.

Again - PLEASE?????

Here's the link to AutismSpeaks "In your own words" by Jessica Wilson. Another mom who did a fantastic job of kicking me in the ass.

Monday, August 18, 2008

I suppose Bloggin is in order

Well, week 1 of school is over and we have jumped right into week two. Jeff is so far so good. He did already have a run in with Coach Cerqua. He has since dropped "Weight Training" and plans to take an online bowling class next semester for his PE credit. Thank god for online bowling.

Since I've been sitting home bored out of my mind, I have been catching up on making appointments for the kids and taking care of insurance STUFF. Jeff has an appointment at the Melmed Center on September 8th. I'm looking forward to finding some transitional help for him. We need all the help we can get. I've been discussing additional therapies for the boys with CIGNA. Ha. It's not pretty.

Mister has regressed a bit since mom and dad aren't as "routine" as Mr. Aaron and friends, but he's still doing well. I think he sprained his ankle yesterday so we've had it wrapped. I'm a little worried he may have his daddy's ankle/feet issues. Let's hope not. (sorry dad)

Missa, well, she's still the prettiest thing in the world. She may be psycho every now and then, but I still can't stop kissing her. ;o)

This morning when DH went out to get in his truck to head to work, he found that his work truck had been broken into. No damage and nothing stolen (wasn't anything to steal). Our neighbors car a window was broken and his briefcase and wallet were stolen. DON'T LEAVE VALUABLES IN YOUR CAR EVEN IF IT IS IN YOUR DRIVEWAY! Do I need to make that BOLD?

LOL I have something funny to tell you guys. My DH (LMAO) reads my blog to keep up on what happens at home. Sometimes we forget to talk about the big things. Anyway, JUST FOR THE RECORD. . . DH does not stand for Dickhead! Ok, I'm still laughing!

Oh, update on the air conditioner. . . $7,000 later, the new unit is going to be installed on Wednesday this week. We've been babying the existing unit and working it to the best of our abilities so we don't die of heat exhaustion.

That's all I got~Love to all~Dios esté con usted!

Monday, August 11, 2008

First day of school 2008-2009

Well, Mister is off and running. He wasn't a happy camper this morning, we don't know why. Then just before the bus came, he had an accident and had to wear the "back up shorts". Poor baby. I made it in the knick of time to get these pictures. I'm not sure who was more excited, Mister, me or his Nana. I should have taken a picture of her. Cry baby! lol

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rock-n-Roll Fantasy Camp

I would love to do this for Jeff. He would be freaked if it could happen. Check it out. What an experience it would be. I asked his dad if he had an extra $1,000. Funny, he hasn't answered me yet. Maybe he thought I was kidding. lol

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Where has the summer gone!

Mister had a busy day yesterday. He got to stay home with Mommy and go to see Mr. Aaron (his teacher) and Miss Connie (speech therapist).

Mr. Aaron asking the boys the question of the day. "Are you happy?" Yes, no or I'm not sure. ;o)

Mister signing in with Miss Connie.

Max and Mr. Aaron. What a pair! I'm not sure who was more excited to see each other. Mister has been bugging me since summer vacation started. He's so excited to go back. He starts Monday. 12:45-3:15 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

Then, today, Daddy took Mister to work. They got up at 4:00 a.m. and snuck out trying very hard not to wake Missa or Mommy. Such good boys we have.

Mister had a great time.

Two more days and school starts. Jeff is going to be a Junior (OMG) and Mister is in his 2nd year preschool. I'm very proud of them both and looking forward to them both making great strides. Wish us luck and mention us every now and then in a prayer or two. I can use all the help I can get.
Love to all. Dios esté con usted.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Ok, we were a bit relieved.

Ok, last night the air conditioning guy from "Parker and Sons" came by to give us an estimate on the new unit. We had in our minds about $8,000. So after rebate moneys and preferred customer discount, we were sitting at $6,250. DH and I were actually relieved. WHAT THE HECK? It's still $6,250 no matter what way you look at it.

Well, I had mentioned the roof blowing off. . .

Not too far from it. Last night a storm BLEW thru and I say that because (for those of you who don't know our storms) it never rained, just blew alot of dirt around and filled our pool with our neighbors bouganvilla flower pedals. (One of DH's big urks) The only reason I knew anything after taking 2 Advil PMs and retreating to bed, is because I thought the roof was going to blow off. Must have been a dirt devil or what they call a microburst. DH and I were both on the back patio in a matter of oh 20 seconds. Holy cow! What was that?

As of 6:00 a.m. this morning, we still have our roof, the air conditioner is still working (keep fingers crossed), and the pool guy is scheduled today for a visit. :o)

Wish us luck, we have another air conditioning company coming by later today for another estimate.

Two more days to go see Mr. Aaron "Earins" as Mister would say. He's so excited to get back to school. He's making me nutzo.

Love to all, going to nap now.
God be with you,

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Yet another glorious day!

See, I rested for one day, let my guard down and guess what? Come on, guess! You'll never get this one. . .

I woke from my afternoon percocet induced nap, to feeling a little warm. First I thought it was the toasty heating pad I had under my butt to relieve the pain of the siatic nerve in my right butt cheek. NOPE, that wasn't it. That was too easy of a fix.

I got up and looked at the thermostat thinking maybe when I was freezing my ass off earlier that morning, I may have turned it up too high. NOPE, that wasn't it either. Thermostat was set on 72. Temperature read 79! Oh shit! Not cool (pun intended)! It is about 250 degrees outside with approximately 90% humidity. Today is not the day for the air unit to go out.

(Oh and for all you Clevelandites that think I'm bitching about the heat... don't get me wrong. It is hot in the summer and you do other things, like SWIM. However, since having my vijayjay fixed, I CAN'T SWIM! Bummer for me.)

So today my job is to research SRP (electric co) new unit rebates along with Parker and Son coupons to try and get myself the least in debt as possible to replace 1 of our 2 air conditioning units (heat pumps).

I'm sure tomorrow will be something like the pool filter will explode, hmmm, maybe the roof will blow off, or something to that effect. ;o)

Wish me luck! Adios mi amigos! Dios esté con usted.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Two in One Day - OMG!

I'm blogging again because yet again I have blogged before starting my day. Since I've been away from my computer for what seems like an eternity, I've spent the last 2.5 hours reading emails, catching up on insurance and flexible spending accounts, filling out special education paperwork and realizing I'm still 10 steps behind.

I just read last weeks edition of "In your own words" on the Autism Speaks Weekly Newsletter. Thought I would share it since it isn't exactly our story but reflects alot of my feelings.

Have a glimpse. . .

Is there ever a dull moment?

Ok, since I last blogged which was forever ago. . .

Our entire fam damily took a trip to San Diego for 4 days and we took along Jeff's girlfriend, Jesse. We had a nice few days! Jeff has decided he absolutely hates the ocean. lol Poor kid. Jesse was out jumping in the waves all by herself and Jeff was standing FREEZING with wet clothes. One bit of information. . . if you are from Arizona, going to the beach in San Diego, no matter what month of the year, is FREEZING. Someone please remind me of this the next time we think we are going to go do something silly like take our kids to the ocean.

We went to Sea World, Missa loved to watch the shows, Mister loved to play with the water bottle. Go figure! He rode the roller coaster with dad and the water raft ride with mom. Whoda thunk it that this kid would stand in line for an hour. He did AWESOME! Daddy took Missa for some face painting. How very cute!

Saturday Jeff and Jesse, Me and Missa went to the San Diego Zoo. Dad and Mister went to see Uncle Shannon race in the CORR Series off-road race in Chula Vista. We all enjoyed our day. Then that evening we met up with one of Mike's cousins, Wendi; and her son Mikie for dinner. We were staying in Little Italy downtown so Wendi suggested Filippi's Pizza Grotto Ok, if anyone goes to San Diego and wants to know of a good Italian restaurant. Go there. It is on India Street in Little Italy. From the front door you think, this is a deli, I'm not going to carry my food out. But, it really isn't. It is a full sit down restaurant with the best damn sauce I've ever had. Their pasta was PERFECT. Take note: 1 entre will feed 4 people with a salad and bread. We didn't know that. Wasted alot of good food that night. Now we know. ;o)

We got home Sunday, did laundry, made bread, did some shopping to prepare for my recovery period and packed my bag for the hospital. Oh, lets not forget the liquid diet, Fleets and to top the cake my annual performance review. WHAT THE HECK? (All went well)

Kids spent the night at Nana's so we didn't have to wake them at 4:00 a.m. So bright and early Daddy and I were off to the hospital. Had my surgery, all was good. Had a few hours of "I'm going to smack that girl if she doesn't bring me drugs" moments, but we got past it.

Came home Wednesday mid day and have been resting ever since. One of my girlfriends, Heather, came over that evening to stay with us for a few days. She was an angel. I say "was" because she departed last night. She went home to her house clear on the other side of town. Sniff-sniff!

So, now I'm home for 5 more weeks to rest and heal. My kids are at their Nana's Monday thru Friday. Susan (my coworker) is holding down the fort at the office. I just want to say. We have alot of angels in our lives these days and we are so very thankful for each and every one of you.

Is there ever a dull moment? (NO, and we wouldn't haven't any other way)

Love to all,

Larry King Live with Jenny McCarthy

Fun Stuff