Friday, August 29, 2008

Normal days are nice!

Well last night we had one heck of a storm. It was loud and flashy and the water came down like crazy. I love storms. There were just two reasons last night I was a little on the edge. See Mister doesn't like storms AT ALL. Thank goodness, he slept thru it or else I would have been up with him until it stopped. However, I was still up til almost 12:30 because Lovey went to the Judas Priest concert with his best friend, Brandon, another friend and Brandon's mom, Jennifer. They were on the other side of town and we texted a few times so I knew they were ok, but Lovey didn't take his keys. So I went to bed at 12:30 and Mister was up around 3:30 because he couldn't get his blankets straightened out. WHAT THE HECK! How do you teach a child to fix their own blankets? He literally comes out of his room and yells "Mommy" until I hear him and come to his rescue!

Rescue mission successful! Back to bed small child! Tucked him in, turned on his music and I'm sure he was fast asleep before I even hit the door. So much for mommy getting some shut eye!

Well today I've got some errands to run, a stop at the office, maybe some lunch with a coworker or two and back home to bake some bread and make more pancakes before picking up the terrorists by 5. Dang these kids can eat! Don't they ever stop? Jeez!

I wish all my "specials" a fantastic weekend and a million angels.
Dios esté con usted

P.S. for those of you who have been asking. . . I'm feeling fantastic. I'm down 44 lbs., into a size 10 (getting a little loose) and my brain says I'm recovered from surgery, but my vijayjay still tells me to sit my ass down. ;o)


Anonymous said...

That's great! But do what the doctor says and SIT DOWN!! You don't want to have to go thru this again because you went too fast. Have a good holiday weekend, I know that I will!!

Rockstar Mom said...

Woo hoo!! Go Gina!

Gina said...

Kuma: What's going on this weekend? Did I miss something? You know I don't like to miss stuff. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Good job on the weight loss!!!!! Take it easy. Don't screw things up. You don't want to have to go through this again.

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