Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Week Mister Millian

Well, we had the well deserved birthday party this past weekend. His birthday isn't until this Wednesday, October 15th, but since his Bobo was going to be home and the Zoowalk is this weekend, we opted for the weekend before.

He had a blast! Well, really everyone had a blast. Check out the birthday pics on my flickr to the right. I just set it up, so be patient until I learn all it can do.

We've now been using better household cleaning products, and keeping most wireless items unplugged along with the microwave. We had our "ah ha" moment this past Friday. Lovey was home from school and plugged the microwave in to warm something up. Unfortunately, that's where the ADHD kicked in, he didn't unplug it or clean up after himself. Anyway, that night the babies where just HORRIBLE. Screaming, pushing, fighting like crazy. Saturday morning, same thing. I was thinking to myself, well, it wasn't the real thing apparently, cuz they are still at it. Must have been in my mind. Later that afternoon, I opened the cabinet above the microwave to get out my pot holders and noticed the microwave was plugged in. I about shit! That's when I talked to Lovey to realize he had plugged it in the day before. I immediately unplugged it and life has gone back to peaceful. My "ah ha" moment for the week.

This is going to be a busy week. For those of you who haven't heard. . . the Vokoun Family is now doing two walks.

Saturday, October 18th - Zoowalk for Autism Research Institute and ASA (Autism Society of American - Greater Phoenix Chapter)

Sunday, November 2nd - WALK NOW for Autism for Autism Speaks and SARRC.

I've raised over $2,800 to benefit the two separate organizations. Prof. James Adams, ASU, has accepted Mister Millian on his Vitamin/Mineral Study and we are very thankful and excited to get started.

Please feel free, if you haven't already, to donate to whichever charity you'd like. Supporting Autism Research Institute is much closer to our hearts. That's the reason why we decided to walk with them also.

Dios esté con usted,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute stuff, picture sure look like everyone had a blast! Good luck on your walks and by the way Gina, you are looking really hot girl!

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