Saturday, June 28, 2008

Here we are

Saturday morning and I thought I'd sleep in. LMAO I really must stop thinking. It is 7:15 a.m. Daddy and Mister left with some friends, Brian and Tristan, to go to the Pee Wee races. Max was pretty darned excited cuz Tristan was going. Had on his Mater hat and his water bottle on a string. He was good to go. Of course that was 1 hour after he got up which means there was a lot of whining at Daddy for different items. Laying in bed wide awake, just waiting for them to leave so I could lay in silence and feel the cool sheets. NOT! Missa started "Daddy Daddy"

So much for sleeping in, but Mister was happy, I got the laundry started, coffee on and here I am blogging before I go up to get my Missa. We are off to the grocery.

Later this afternoon, after naps, we are going to go see the new Disney movie, Wall-E I'm looking forward to it. Don't know how long we will make it in the movie, but we are going to try. ;o)

Update on Missa's tooth: It's all fine! Didn't damage the nerve or push up into the adult tooth. They did xrays. She was awesome as usual. Dr. said they won't grind it down it could do more damage that way. That with her normal eating, it will wear down. So let's all just pray that her next adventure isn't anything worse than the dislocated toe or the broken tooth.

Have a great weekend everyone,

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