Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pay it forward!

I have this group of women at church that are just as quirky in their dynamics as the "church lady" but they are a great bunch of women.

I have my "girl" friends who have kinda faded into my background at the moment, but I know are still there and love me (and I hope they know I love them too).

I also have this "anonymous" type of friend group (Yahoo Group) that are my "autism" world friends.

Without all these different groups of friends, I don't know where I'd be. Lonely, freakin' out, stressed! Everyone receives what we need from different people in our lives at different times. I just want to say THANK YOU to all the people who keep me ~ ME!

This overwhelming feeling to express myself came today when I discussed 3 separate times about food sensitivities, diet and how all that changed our lives. After watching Jenny on Oprah yesterday and my conversations today, I realized that's what I'm suppose to be doing ~ PAYING IT FORWARD.

DH just called, he's shopping at Sprouts! ;o) What a man!

Dios esté con usted,

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